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30.03.2021 17:17

New projects for knowledge transfer with companies: University of Bayreuth receives more than € 1.5 million

Christian Wißler Pressestelle
Universität Bayreuth

    The University of Bayreuth is to receive more than € 1.5 million in funding from the European Social Fund (ESF) for projects with small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). The aim is to sustainably strengthen the innovative power and competitiveness of SMEs in future-oriented fields. The focus is on in-service training for employees that is flexible in terms of time and location, and on knowledge transfer with companies. All initiatives offered within the framework of the projects have great practical relevance, and are free of charge.

    The Chair of Manufacturing and Remanufacturing Technology, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Frank Döpper, is coordinating the ESF project “Producing efficiently and sustainably”, being funded to the tune of around € 425,000. The in-service training programme is being conducted with the assistance of the University of Bayreuth’s Campus Academy. Employees of SMEs are familiarised with the most modern technical and business management methods of production optimisation. In particular, the focus is on measures to strengthen the efficient use of resources: Production waste and emissions are to be reduced, and energy losses avoided. The participants not only gain fundamental insights into the potential of efficient and sustainable production, but at the same time they learn about tools for implementing it in their own companies. The project starts in July 2021.
    Contact for interested companies:

    Parallel to this project, the Manufacturing and Remanufacturing Technology research group has a 25 per cent stake in the ESF “KI-HuB Nordbayern” project. This has a total budget of roughly € 540,000 and is coordinated by the University of Applied Sciences Würzburg-Schweinfurt. In cooperation with SMEs, a publicly accessible network for knowledge transfer is being set up. It aims to provide applied methodological knowledge in the areas of digitalisation and artificial intelligence (AI). The focus here is on securing knowledge as well as new opportunities for SMEs to compensate for the shortage of skilled workers and the consequences of demographic change.
    Contact for interested companies:

    The coronavirus pandemic is currently intensifying the challenge for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) to assert themselves on global markets despite their innovative strength and flexibility. This is where the ESF project “OpAL – optimisation, additive production, and light-weight construction”, endowed with around € 365,000, comes in. It is coordinated by Engineering Design and CAD, chaired by Prof. Dr.-Ing. Stephan Tremmel. The project aims to enable SMEs to develop new approaches to solutions with the help of innovative processes in all three areas. The keyword "optimisation" stands above all for Computer Aided Engineering (CAE), which enables companies to interlock different work steps in the course of product creation more closely, and thus shorten development times. New methods in additive manufacturing (3D printing) and lightweight construction also contribute to making the processes in the area of product creation more efficient, and at the same time more flexible. The project will begin in July 2021.
    Contact for interested companies:

    The Engineering Design and CAD research group is also the coordinator of the ESF project “Fit4HPC – Fit for High-Performance-Computing”, with a budget of approximately € 437,000 euros. The project aims to ensure that the innovative possibilities of high-performance computing (HPC) are used by small and medium-sized enterprises to a much greater extent than before, and integrated into their operational processes. HPC can be used to solve problems that cannot be processed by conventional computers, or only with a disproportionately high consumption of time and energy. This is often the case, for example, in the computer-aided development of new products. Within the framework of the project, technical aspects of use as well as economic and organizational issues involved in the integration of HPC into company processes will be addressed. SMEs should develop the ability to use HPC to make innovation processes as goal-oriented and time-saving as possible, and to bring the results into the economic cycle more quickly. The project will start in October 2021.

    Fit4HPC is already the second ESF project in which the University of Bayreuth’s Research Centre for Scientific Computing (BZHPC) has been involved, providing know-how to support regional companies. Founded in 2018, the Centre bundles the competencies and resources of the University of Bayreuth in the field of high-performance computing.
    Contact for interested companies:

    Wissenschaftliche Ansprechpartner:

    Contact on all ESF projects at the University of Bayreuth:
    Dr. David Magnus
    Office of Research Support
    University of Bayreuth
    Phone: +49 (0)921 / 55-7785


    Finely structured globe, produced by additive manufacturing.
    Finely structured globe, produced by additive manufacturing.
    Photo: LUP.

    Merkmale dieser Pressemitteilung:
    Journalisten, Lehrer/Schüler, Studierende, Wirtschaftsvertreter, Wissenschaftler, jedermann
    Energie, Informationstechnik, Maschinenbau, Umwelt / Ökologie, Werkstoffwissenschaften
    Forschungs- / Wissenstransfer, Kooperationen


    Finely structured globe, produced by additive manufacturing.

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