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29.04.2021 16:38

Leadership in the Arts or Failure is what it's all about!

Dr. Juliane Kuhn Referat für Presse- und Öffentlichkeitsarbeit
Kunsthochschule für Medien Köln

    Discussion with Steven D. Lavine (president at Cal ARTS 1988-2017) and Jörn Jacob Rohwer (author), hosted by Prof. Mischa Kuball and Prof. Dr. Lilian Haberer (KHM)

    Wednesday, May 12, 2021, 7 p.m. via Zoom
    Register via e-mail by May 9, 2021:
    Zoom Link follows one day before

    Why is failure a possible and important principle in teaching and artistic practice? That asks about the interested parties in relation to teaching and artistic practice at artistic universities. Steven D. Lavine, the long-time President of the Californian Institute of the Arts (Cal ARTS 1988-2017), will bridge the gap between a private art college and the German art colleges.

    Cal ARTS was in crisis for a long time before Steven D. Lavine saw it flourish financially and internationally. Today the art school is a cradle of Oscar and Pulitzer Prize winners, of Mellon and Guggenheim Fellows - a hotspot of American administration. The starting point and background for the discussion at the KHM is the book "Steven D. Lavine. Failure is What It's All About. A Life Devoted to Leadership in the Arts" (German art book publisher) by Jörn Jacob Rohwer, published in 2021. Here Lavine Interests is called his personal story, talks about cultural politics, philanthropy, avant-garde, the center of his life Los Angeles. Spurred on by self-doubt and the desire to point out, he turns out to be a sensitive thinker, visionary and transatlantic mediator between the worlds of art, education and politics.

    Jörn Jacob Rohwer became known through his conversations about knowledge, literature, science and society - among others with Susan Sontag, Tomi Ungerer, Heinrich Hannover, Hans Keilson, Doris Lessing, George Tabori, but also Leni Riefenstahl and Daniel Goldhagen or Richard Sennett. These texts are such because they oscillate between literature and journalism.
    Prof. Mischa Kuball (art in public space) and Prof. Dr. Lilian Haberer (art history with accessible material concept) are both professors at the KHM. Heike Catherina Mertens, the executive director of Villa Aurora & Thomas Mann Haus e.V.


    Merkmale dieser Pressemitteilung:
    Journalisten, jedermann
    Buntes aus der Wissenschaft



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