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10.05.2021 14:02

IVAM brings medical technology suppliers to CMEF: International marketplace for the medical industry in China

Mona Okroy-Hellweg Presse- und Öffentlichkeitsarbeit
IVAM Fachverband für Mikrotechnik

    The CMEF, China International Medical Equipment Fair is considered the leading trade fair for medical technology in the Asia-Pacific region. After successful trade fair appearances in spring 2019 and fall 2020, the IVAM Microtechnology Network will again present a joint booth for international high-tech suppliers at the fair in Shanghai. Like last year, international high-tech companies that have representatives and partners in China are using the IVAM area as an opportunity to improve their visibility in the Chinese medical technology market. .

    CMEF focuses, for example, on technologies for medical imaging, in vitro diagnostics, laboratory technology, electromedical and optical devices as well as portable diagnostic, monitoring and analytical equipment.

    For many years, Physik Instrumente (PI) products have been known for their high quality and innovative technology. From precision machining to digital and analog control circuits, from sub-nanometer capacitive position sensors to PICMA's original piezoelectric ceramic actuators, PI has a whole range of key technologies and technical strengths for the continuous advancement of micro- and nanopositioning technology. Imaging techniques are widely used in many fields, such as medical technology, pharmaceutical research and semiconductor manufacturing, and can significantly improve the efficiency of these fields. Optical measurement techniques such as interferometry and microscopy are widely used in automated processes. Ultrasonic and nuclear magnetic resonance techniques are ideal for a variety of visualization tasks. These methods and techniques require fast and precise drive systems, which in some applications must also be as compact as possible and extremely reliable even in strong magnetic fields. Piezoelectric drives, scanners and positioning systems are ideal for these requirements. At CMEF, PI will therefore present fast piezoelectric ceramic scanners for microstepping, nanometer stage systems in fluorescence microscopy, drivers and positioning systems for electron microscopy, as well as confocal microscopes for medical technology

    Sandvik will present EXERA fine medical wire, wire-based components and coatings used in medical devices which are custom made to transmit, sense or stimulate within the human body. Typical applications are cardiovascular devices such as pacemakers, sensors such as continuous glucose monitors for diabetes care or stimulation therapy such as Deep Brain Stimulation for Parkinson's or epilepsy to control tremors. The customizable EXERA options range from stripped wire, multi-cabling and coiling to high tolerance coatings, as well as more than 200 different alloys and custom melts on request.

    Specialty Coating Systems is a leading provider of conformal parylene coatings and technologies for the medical device industry. SCS provides Parylene conformal coating services and technologies to manufacturers through 20 locations around the world. Ultra-thin and pinhole-free, Parylene coatings are biocompatible and biostable and offer micro-encapsulation capabilities, dry-film lubricity and chemical and moisture barrier properties. Common medical applications for Parylene coatings include stents, cardiac assist devices, electrosurgical tools, medical electronics, and cochlear implants, to name only a few. SCS coating facilities maintain AS9100 or ISO 9001 and have been providing Parylene coating services for 50 years.

    Weitere Informationen:


    China International Medical Equipment Fair is considered the leading trade fair for medical technology in the Asia-Pacific region
    China International Medical Equipment Fair is considered the leading trade fair for medical technolo ...
    Sandvik, PI, IVAM
    Sandvik, PI, IVAM

    Merkmale dieser Pressemitteilung:
    Elektrotechnik, Ernährung / Gesundheit / Pflege, Medizin, Werkstoffwissenschaften
    Forschungs- / Wissenstransfer


    China International Medical Equipment Fair is considered the leading trade fair for medical technology in the Asia-Pacific region

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