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19.05.2021 11:18

University of Mannheim Business School Is Founding Member of a New European Business School Network

Linda Schädler Abteilung Kommunikation
Universität Mannheim

    New “European Management Track” for business master’s students is being launched in cooperation with business schools from Denmark, France and Spain.

    Despite the Coronavirus pandemic, four leading European Business Schools decided to move forward with a new cooperation project for their Master’s in Business and Management students: University of Mannheim Business School, Germany, Copenhagen Business School, Denmark, ESSEC Business School, France, and IE University, Spain, joined forces in order to enable their students to learn more about Europe, its politics and its corporate world.

    The overall goal of the network is to accelerate Europe’s political and social unity as well its economic strength for the well-being of Europe and its people and to make use of the strengths of European diversity. The new exchange cooperation will be launched this spring so that interested students can apply for the European Management Track (EMT) during the upcoming summer and autumn of 2021.

    Next year, in August 2022, the first cohort will start their studies in Brussels with an introduction seminar. After getting to know each other and having learned more about the European institutions, Europe’s politics, history and societies, the students will head to their exchange campuses at the respective partner schools for the fall semester 2022.

    Each School will offer a specific specialization track in sought-after business subjects taught by top-notch researchers of their fields. Subjects represented will include topics such as International Finance, Sustainability in Governance and Investments, Entrepreneurship, Negotiations and Sourcing Excellence. A final get-together of students and professors including an exchange of newly generated ideas and learning results will form the capstone to the EMT before students graduate from their home schools. The institutions will award a joint program certificate to each student.

    Facts about the partner schools in the EMT network:

    • Copenhagen Business School, Denmark: No. 5 worldwide in the QS Masters in Management Ranking 2020; approx. 20,000 students; accredited by AACSB, EQUIS and AMBA; 295 partner universities; Danish member of the Global Alliance in Management Education (CEMS).
    • ESSEC Business School, France: No. 3 worldwide in the Financial Times Masters in Management Ranking 2020; 6,000 full-time students and 5,000 participants in executive programs trained every year; accredited by AACSB, EQUIS and AMBA; 205 partner universities; international campuses in France, Singapore and Morocco.
    • IE Business School, Spain: No. 6 worldwide in the QS Masters in Management Ranking 2020; 6,820 students at the university, 4,275 of them at the business school; accredited by AACSB, EQUIS and AMBA.
    • University of Mannheim Business School, Germany: No. 1 in Germany (worldwide 39) in the Times Higher Education Ranking 2021; 4,000 students, accredited by AACSB, EQUIS and AMBA; 200 partner universities; offers executive education at the Mannheim Business School.

    Wissenschaftliche Ansprechpartner:

    Dr. Liane Weitert
    Head of Communications and Corporate Relations
    University of Mannheim Business School
    University of Mannheim


    Merkmale dieser Pressemitteilung:
    Studium und Lehre



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