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26.05.2021 08:42

Media Accreditation for the 70th Lindau Nobel Laureate Meeting

Wolfgang Haaß Kommunikation
Kuratorium für die Tagungen der Nobelpreisträger in Lindau e.V.

    Media Advisory for Journalists, Bloggers, Science Influencers

    - Programme and topics published on (
    - Current scientific debates – relevant for society
    - Accreditation for access to online activities:
    - Interview possibilities with Nobel Laureates and young scientists from 100 nations

    The Lindau Nobel Laureate Meetings have published the extensive programme for the 70th anniversary meeting taking place at the end of June. In this context, journalists worldwide are now invited to completethe accreditation form for the online event.

    More than 70 Nobel Laureates from the disciplines of Physics, Chemistry as well as Physiology or Medicine have confirmed their participation. They will decisively shape the nearly 70-hour programme from Sunday, 27 June, to Friday, 2 July 2021, and will exchange thoughts with more than 600 young scientists from around the world.

    The agenda includes highly topical scientific issues such as pandemics, climate change, genome editing, dark matter and energy as well as artificial intelligence – all with relevance for socio-political questions, just like the fundamental questions of trust in science as well as the concept of open science.

    Structure of the 70th Lindau Nobel Laureate Meeting

    The interdisciplinary programme will start on 27 June at 13.30 hrs. CEST with an opening ceremony, followed by a debate on pandemics. Afterwards, three of the 2020 Nobel Laureates will give a lecture: Emmanuelle Charpentier (Chemistry), Reinhard Genzel (Physics) and Harvey J. Alter (Physiology or Medicine).On the following five days, the programme begins early in the morning (local time – from 7 am) and extends into the evening hours (after 8 pm), to cover as many time zones around the world as possible. Like at the event in the “Inselhalle” – where a studio and the online directionroom will be located this year – there are versatile programme formats aiming at a lively exchange between the participants.

    Accreditation for media representatives

    To participate in the 70th Lindau Nobel Laureate Meeting as journalist, blogger or science influencer, we kindly ask for your accreditation via our website:

    - Access to the programme via livestream
    - Assistance in contacting Nobel Laureates and young scientists from around the globe
    - Short-term provision of programme recordings – as background for content coverage
    - Provision of photo and video material of the programme (screenshots, short sequences), as well as backstage and making-of impressions

    The communications team of the Lindau Nobel Laureate Meetings is looking forward to this year’s cooperation – once more virtual – with media from around the world.

    Should you have questions about the 70th Lindau Nobel Laureate Meeting and our media opportunities, please contact us:

    Media representatives

    Wolfgang Haaß (

    Daniela Thiel (

    Carl Friedrichs (

    Social Media / Lindau Alumni

    Christoph Schumacher (


    Patricia Edema (



    Merkmale dieser Pressemitteilung:
    Journalisten, Wissenschaftler
    Wissenschaftliche Tagungen



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