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01.06.2021 08:30

Reinforcement of the Institute Management at Fraunhofer IPMS

Anne-Julie Maurer Marketing & Kommunikation
Fraunhofer-Institut für Photonische Mikrosysteme (IPMS)

    On June 1, 2021, the Fraunhofer Institute for Photonic Microsystems IPMS will reinforce its institute management. Dr. Wenke Weinreich, Division Director Center Nanoelectronic Technologies, will be Deputy to the Institute Director Prof. Hubert Lakner. Jörg Amelung, Division Director Active Micromachined Systems, will deputize for the Executive Director Prof. Harald Schenk. The institute is thus taking an important organizational step in order to continue to operate effectively as a leading international research and development service provider for photonic microsystems and nanoelectronics.

    Dr. Wenke Weinreich has a long history with Fraunhofer IPMS. After her PhD at the Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen Nürnberg and the Center Nanoelectronic Technologies CNT, she worked as a scientific employee starting in 2011. After the CNT was integrated into Fraunhofer IPMS, she took over a group management position from 2016 and a business unit management position at the CNT from 2019. Since 2020, she has been head of the CNT. In her function as Deputy Director of Fraunhofer IPMS, she now wants to work on the strategic developments of the institute:

    “The semiconductor industry is one of the largest and fastest growing industries worldwide and at the same time one of the most challenging and diverse scientific fields. I am proud of having had the opportunity to participate in the latest developments at Fraunhofer IPMS in microelectronics research on 300 mm silicon wafers for so many years. Above all, the trusting work in an international team, the training in science and technology, and the focus on scientific excellence are particularly close to my heart. In addition, the transfer of Fraunhofer IPMS's state-of-the-art clean rooms to a resource-saving microelectronics production is indispensable in order to meet the chip industry's ever-increasing responsibility towards sustainability in research as well.”

    Jörg Amelung, too, is a long-time employee of Fraunhofer IPMS. From 1998, the graduate physicist headed the institute's Technology Department and built up the Department for Research into Organic Materials and Systems. At the end of 2014, he became MEMS Business Manager, and in April 2017, Head of the Research Fab Microelectronics Germany (FMD) based in Berlin. Since his return to Fraunhofer IPMS in May 2020, he has headed the Active Micromachined Systems Division. As Deputy Director of the institute, he intends to remain strongly committed to transferring innovative solutions into applications.

    “We are just at the beginning of probably the most innovative decade, in which many new developments, especially based on microelectronics and microsystems technology, will find their way into application. Interdisciplinary collaboration, the courage to break new ground, and professional competence will form the basis for this. As Deputy Director of the institute, I am pleased and proud to be able to contribute my part from over 25 years of experience to the successful future of Fraunhofer IPMS.”

    Weitere Informationen:


    Jörg Amelung, Division Director Active Micromachined Systems and Deputy Institute Director at Fraunhofer IPMS.
    Jörg Amelung, Division Director Active Micromachined Systems and Deputy Institute Director at Fraunh ...

    Fraunhofer IPMS

    Dr. Wenke Weinreich, Division Director Center Nanoelectronic Technologies and Deputy Institute Director at Fraunhofer IPMS.
    Dr. Wenke Weinreich, Division Director Center Nanoelectronic Technologies and Deputy Institute Direc ...

    Fraunhofer IPMS

    Merkmale dieser Pressemitteilung:
    Physik / Astronomie


    Jörg Amelung, Division Director Active Micromachined Systems and Deputy Institute Director at Fraunhofer IPMS.

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    Dr. Wenke Weinreich, Division Director Center Nanoelectronic Technologies and Deputy Institute Director at Fraunhofer IPMS.

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