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30.06.2021 17:10

Starting signal for the joint development of a "Global Water and Climate Adaptation Centre" in Southeast Asia

Claudia Kallmeier Pressestelle
Technische Universität Dresden

    Today marked the official launch of the recently started “Global Water and Climate Adaptation Centre” (ABCD-Centre) with a participation of more then 150 international research experts.

    Next to the explanation of the ABCD-Centre’s conceptional goals for this international audience, the main focus of this launch ceremony was the introduction of the incorporated research cluster (Cluster I: „Water security, water resource management, safe water supply and water treatment“; Cluster II: „Ecosystem resilience and nature-based adaptation measures“; Cluster III: „Transfer strategies: traditional knowledge, local economies and social acceptance“) towards the international experts as well as a commencing generation of networking contacts for the future development of these clusters.

    Led by the introductory words of Prof. Jürgen Stamm (IWD, TU Dresden), welcoming speeches from the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) - Dr. Katja Lasch (DAAD Regional Office Neu Delhi, India) and the German Federal Foreign Office - Consul General Karin Stoll (Chennai, India) were given. The importance of the ABCD-Centre’s agenda was further expressed by the inaugural remarks of Prof. Staudinger (Rector TU Dresden), Prof. Dr. Ramamurthi (Director IITM Chennai), Dr. Woon (President AIT Bangkok), Prof. Rüdiger (Rector RWTH Aachen University), Prof. Oki (Senior Vice-Rector UNU) and Prof. Oeser (Dean Faculty of Civil Engineering at RWTH Aachen University).

    The key message of the event can be found in the explicit consent of all project partners to jointly establish strong and future-oriented teaching and research cooperations in the field of climate adaptation measures for the Global South. The implementation of these measures should secure the accessibility of water in a changing climate both in quantity and good quality for humanity, industry, agriculture and nature.

    Wissenschaftliche Ansprechpartner:

    Prof. Jürgen Stamm
    Chair of Hydraulic Engineering
    Dean of the Faculty for Civil Engineering
    Chairperson of the School of Civil and Environmental Engineering
    Tel.: +49 351 463-34397

    Dr. André Lindner
    Managing Director of the School of Civil and Environmental Engineering
    Tel.: +49 351-463 34899

    Weitere Informationen: More Information


    Prof. Jürgen Stamm guides through the online event
    Prof. Jürgen Stamm guides through the online event

    TU Dresden

    Merkmale dieser Pressemitteilung:
    Bauwesen / Architektur, Geowissenschaften, Umwelt / Ökologie
    Forschungsprojekte, Kooperationen


    Prof. Jürgen Stamm guides through the online event

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