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13.07.2021 13:13

Bubble Inflation of Elastomer Sheet: Bulge Test for Biaxial Loading

Anke Zeidler-Finsel Presse- und Öffentlichkeitsarbeit
Fraunhofer-Institut für Betriebsfestigkeit und Systemzuverlässigkeit LBF

    The results of virtual simulation of elastomer parts often differ significantly from the real behaviour of components. Possible reason is that only data from unidirectional tensile tests are taken into account. Scientists at the Fraunhofer Institute for Structural Durability and System Reliability LBF have improved known test specifications for the biaxial tensile test. The implemented 3D optical measurement during the loading allows the precise measurement of the mechanical response of the elastomer sheets. The data from new test improves the material modelling thus providing the basis for an enhancement of the design quality of elastomer components.

    Modelling based on the tensile test alone is easy but not sufficient for real elastomers.
    The aim is therefore to provide industry usable information on the mechanical
    behaviour of elastomers under multi-axial loadings. The bulge test is the simplest way
    to realize biaxial tensile loadings on elastomer sheets. This method of Fraunhofer LBF
    supplies data for reliable modelling of components. In this way, parts for automobiles,
    components in aircraft construction or products for sports, medicine, and household
    can be designed more reliably and more cost-effectively.

    New method improves material modeling

    The test fixture consists of a circular ring, an elastomer plate and a base plate. The
    elastomer plate is clamped in the test fixture and inflated with water, causing it to
    expand as a bubble. A balanced biaxial stress occurs in the center of the bubble. Stress
    singularities in the clamping area are avoided by a special design of the edges of the
    circular ring. To ensure optimum fixation of the plate, the circular ring is centered and
    carefully bolted on the base plate. The evaluation of the geometry change in the
    elastomer bubble is performed in a subsequent post-processing step using the GOM
    Aramis 3D software. The test results can be evaluated up to an approximate height of
    the bubble of 45 millimeters. Here, the maximum height is set by varying the diameter
    of the circular ring. The inner diameter of the circular ring of 40 to 50 millimeters is
    recommended for elastomer plates in order to obtain useful results in the evaluation.
    An elliptical bore can also be used to obtain additional stress states in the bubble for
    more in-depth material analysis. Water or alternative fluids are used as the pressure
    medium. The tests are performed according to customer specifications or standards.

    Evaluation of three-dimensional deformation by digital image correlation

    Optimal results are obtained for specimens with an external diameter of 110
    millimeters. The thickness of the materials is measured before the examination. This
    measurement is based on a method specially developed at the Fraunhofer LBF, which
    avoids the induction of stress concentrations in the specimen. The specimen is speckled
    with a statistically distributed black and white pattern and then tested directly to
    ensure optimum adhesion between the sheet and the black and white pattern. This
    allows the evaluation of two-dimensional strains on the specimen surface by digital
    image correlation as function of pressure. In addition, the setup allows to obtain results
    on potential stress whitening in an isochoric deformation mode. This is done by
    inspecting an unpainted spot in the fourth quadrant of the specimen.

    To obtain data on possible anisotropy of the material, all specimens are mounted in the
    test fixture in the same position, taking into account their orientation in the sheet. The
    setup allows the sample to be placed on the base plate without air bubbles, ensuring
    that the incompressibility assumption for the pressurized media is met.
    The scientists analyze the individual challenges of modeling elastomeric materials and
    provide expertise at all levels of the design process.

    Wissenschaftliche Ansprechpartner:

    Dr. Vladimir A. Kolupaev,
    Axel Nierbauer,


    Inflated test specimen without black and white pattern, applying the circular ring with the diameter Ø50 mm. The ruler is used for visual control of the bubble height during the test.
    Inflated test specimen without black and white pattern, applying the circular ring with the diameter ...

    Fraunhofer LBF

    Results of the evaluation of the bulge test using the GOM Aramis 3D software: logarithmic strain 𝜀𝑦𝑦 at maximum load.
    Results of the evaluation of the bulge test using the GOM Aramis 3D software: logarithmic strain 𝜀𝑦𝑦 ...

    Fraunhofer LBF

    Merkmale dieser Pressemitteilung:
    Journalisten, Wirtschaftsvertreter
    Chemie, Maschinenbau, Werkstoffwissenschaften
    Forschungs- / Wissenstransfer, Forschungsergebnisse


    Inflated test specimen without black and white pattern, applying the circular ring with the diameter Ø50 mm. The ruler is used for visual control of the bubble height during the test.

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    Results of the evaluation of the bulge test using the GOM Aramis 3D software: logarithmic strain 𝜀𝑦𝑦 at maximum load.

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