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07.09.2021 09:14

Press invitation: Announcements of the Nobel prizes in Physics and Chemistry and the Prize in Economic Sciences 2021

Eva Nevelius, Press Secretary, Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences,, +46-70-878 67 63 Kommunikationsavdelningen / Communications Department
Schwedischer Forschungsrat - The Swedish Research Council

    2021’s Nobel Prizes in Physics and Chemistry and the Prize in Economic Sciences will be announced by the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences in early October. Due to the current restrictions, we will not be able to welcome as many representatives from the media as in a normal year. However, it will also be possible to watch the press conferences digitally and to conduct interviews via the telephone or over video link.

    The press conferences are only open to journalists and photographers covering this year’s prizes. Please note that you must apply for and be granted accreditation in advance. If you are going to be on site, you must:

    have valid press ID (or an individual advance agreement with the press secretary),
    have an EU Digital Covid Certificate or equivalent proving that you are double vaccinated (final dose at least two weeks previously),
    be entirely symptom free.
    Due to the current pandemic we are only able to host a limited number of journalists and cameras on site, but we hope this number will be greater than last year’s. We will apply physical distancing to make it as safe as possible for everyone present. Places will be designated.

    Please note that you cannot count on attending the press conference until you have received a personal response from the press secretary. Nor will everyone be offered a space inside the Session Hall, where the announcements are made. Instead, like previous year, spaces will also be available in nearby rooms with the opportunity to follow events via a livestream. Press ID and vaccine certification must be displayed on arrival.

    We reserve the right to make changes to the above, as restrictions may change prior to 5 October. If you have been granted accreditation, you will be informed of any changes as soon as possible.

    Applications must be emailed to the press secretary: Your application should state:

    telephone number,
    which press conference(s) you wish to participate in,
    whether you would like a space for filming with a camera on a mount and/or
    you would like an individual interview with an expert immediately after the announcement.
    If you are applying for more than one person, please specify any requests about who needs to be in the Session Hall.

    Place: Session Hall, Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, Lilla Frescativägen 4A, Stockholm.

    Dates for 2021’s announcements

    Nobel Prize in Physics – Tuesday 5 October, 11.45am at the earliest. The deadline for accreditation applications is 28 September.

    Nobel Prize in Chemistry – Wednesday 6 October, 11.45am at the earliest. The deadline for accreditation applications is 29 September.

    Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel – Monday 11 October, 11.45am at the earliest. The deadline for accreditation applications is 4 October.

    Remote participation
    All press conferences will be livestreamed at and (no registration necessary). There is also a livestream on Youtube which can be shared and embedded.

    If you are covering the press conferences remotely, you can book interviews with experts to be held immediately after the announcements over the telephone or via video link. Please contact the press secretary if you have any special requests or wish to book a telephone or video link interview with an expert. Remember this must be done well in advance of the press conferences.

    Information about other Nobel Prizes is available at

    Wissenschaftliche Ansprechpartner:

    If you have any questions, please contact Eva Nevelius, press secretary, Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, or +46 (0)70 878 6763.

    Weitere Informationen:


    Merkmale dieser Pressemitteilung:
    Chemie, Physik / Astronomie, Wirtschaft
    Pressetermine, Wettbewerbe / Auszeichnungen



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