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10.11.2021 13:43

NEW Release: Post-Growth Geographies. Spatial Relations of Diverse and Alternative Economies

Dr. Tanja Ernst Stabsstelle Wissenschaftskommunikation
ARL – Akademie für Raumentwicklung in der Leibniz-Gemeinschaft

    Post-Growth Geographies examines the spatial relations of diverse and alternative economies between growth-oriented institutions and multiple socio-ecological crises.

    The book brings together conceptual and empirical contributions from geography and its neighbouring disciplines and offers different perspectives on the possibilities, demands and critiques of post-growth transformation. Through case studies and interviews, the contributions combine voices from activism, civil society, planning and politics with current theoretical debates on socio-ecological transformation.

    Edited by Bastian Lange / Martina Hülz / Benedikt Schmid / Christian Schulz.

    >> The book is OPEN ACCESS available:

    The ARL offers knowledge-based analysis and advice on current sustainable spatial development issues. Complex social challenges require integrative and thus interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary perspectives. The specific working method of the ARL, which is transdisciplinary and network-based, allows for close collaboration and a wide-ranging exchange of ideas and knowledge between members of the academic community and planning practitioners.

    The ARL’s network of eminent experts from science and practice carries out research and knowledge transfer activities within the Academy’s joint working bodies, thus offering important insights and findings for the future-oriented development of spatial structures and the political and planning measures necessary for shaping them.

    For this reason, the ARL makes the results of its work available to all interested parties as well as to stakeholders in politics and public administrations on an ongoing basis. At the same time, the ARL’s knowledge transfer provides another benefit: the coproduction of knowledge expands specialist and sectoral perspectives, advances innovation and enlightens and enlightens the work of contributors from the academy and its network in their principal professional activities. The ARL is an independent, non-partisan institution for the spatial sciences under public law and is based in Hanover. As a Leibniz institution, it is funded jointly by the Federal Government and the federal states due to its supraregional significance and its work in the interest of national science policy.


    Wissenschaftliche Ansprechpartner:

    Dr. Martina Hülz (ARL- Academy for Territorial Development in the Leibniz Association)

    Phone +49 511 34842-28


    Lange, Bastian; Hülz, Martina; Schmid, Benedikt; Schulz, Christian (eds.) (2021):
    Post-Growth Geographies. Spatial Relations of Diverse and Alternative Economies. Bielefeld: transcript.

    Weitere Informationen:


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    Merkmale dieser Pressemitteilung:
    Journalisten, Studierende, Wirtschaftsvertreter, Wissenschaftler
    Bauwesen / Architektur, Gesellschaft, Umwelt / Ökologie, Verkehr / Transport, Wirtschaft
    Forschungs- / Wissenstransfer, Wissenschaftliche Publikationen


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