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30.11.2021 14:33

General ban on visits as of 01 December 2021

Stefan Zorn Stabsstelle Kommunikation
Medizinische Hochschule Hannover

    Due to the high incidence figures and the current resolutions of the federal and state governments, a general ban on relatives visiting the MHH will apply again from Wednesday, 01 December 2021.

    The delivery room and the paediatric clinic are exempt from this regulation. The existing rules continue to apply there, see below for further information. There is also an exemption for relatives of patients receiving palliative care. The ban on visitors serves to protect the patients and the staff of the clinics. Accompanying persons (if necessary) are still permitted for outpatients.

    There are no testing facilities at the MHH.

    Establishment of a pick-up and drop-off service

    In order to ensure that the necessary material and laundry supplies for the inpatients can continue to be provided by their relatives, a fetch and bring service has been set up. Relatives can drop off the necessary items at the Service Point in the main hospital every day between 2 pm and 7 pm.

    Further information is available at


    Copyright: "Karin Kaiser / MHH"
    Copyright: "Karin Kaiser / MHH"

    Merkmale dieser Pressemitteilung:
    Buntes aus der Wissenschaft, Organisatorisches


    Copyright: "Karin Kaiser / MHH"

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