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27.02.2023 11:47

Computing technology inspired by the brain:EU invests millions in SpiNNcloud Systems,a deep tech startup based in Saxony

Anne-Stephanie Vetter Pressestelle
Technische Universität Dresden

    The European Innovation Council (EIC) has selected 27 projects out of 289 proposals submitted to the Transition grant program to receive a total of 79.3 million euros in EU funding. This program aims to transform research results from European research projects into commercially viable businesses. For the first time, the European Innovation Council (EIC) is awarding a grant of this type to a deep-tech startup from Saxony.

    The team from SpiNNcloud Systems GmbH, a spin-off from Professor Christian Mayr’s research group at Technische Universität Dresden, is receiving a grant of 2.5 million euros for their groundbreaking project, “SpiNNode: SpiNNaker2 on the edge.”

    “SpiNNaker2 is a bio-inspired supercomputer which was developed at my Chair in collaboration with Prof. Steve Furber’s research group at the University of Manchester as part of the Human Brain Project’s European flagship. It is the world's largest and most energy-efficient supercomputer for real-time artificial intelligence.”

    Prof. Angela Rösen.-Wolff, Vice-Rector Research at TU Dresden added, “The EIC grant will enable SpiNNaker2 to expand to mobile applications, such as human-machine interaction in our CeTI Cluster of Excellence, and to be tested in realistic industrial environments."

    Matthias Lohrmann, CTO von SpiNNcloud, elaborated, “With this funding, we can press ahead with our expansion and we will be able to deliver the first systems from Saxony to our customers worldwide in 2024." Frank Bösenberg, Managing Director of Silicon Saxony, Europe's largest semiconductor site with more than 400 company members, said, “SpiNNcloud is another example of the high-tech developments in Saxony’s semiconductor industry and a testament to the success of technology transfer driven by the excellent research environment at TU Dresden.”

    Christian Eichhorn, Co-CEO of SpiNNcloud Systems, explains, “AI such as ChatGPT is now entering our everyday lives and, therefore, represents a revolution comparable to that of the internet. Training this AI model consumes as much electricity as 3,000 households use in a month. It is not yet possible to predict the scale of future electricity consumption resulting from the use of AI. We are working on the most energy-efficient computing hardware for large-scale applications, as this will be key to significantly reducing the carbon footprint of AI.”

    Hector Gonzalez, Co-CEO von SpiNNcloud Systems, added, “Our inspiration is the human brain, which only requires 30 watts to tackle the most complex tasks. The future of computing technology must be inspired by the brain.”

    Wissenschaftliche Ansprechpartner:

    Prof. Christian Mayr
    TU Dresden

    Christian Eichhorn
    SpiNNcloud Systems GmbH

    Frank Bösenberg
    Silicon Saxony e.V.


    SpiNNcloud Systems Team
    SpiNNcloud Systems Team

    Hector Gonzales

    Merkmale dieser Pressemitteilung:
    Wettbewerbe / Auszeichnungen, Wissenschaftspolitik


    SpiNNcloud Systems Team

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