From now on, not only Data from the German Ageing Survey (DEAS) and PREFER (Personal Resources of Elderly People with Multimorbidity) are available for scientific research at the Research-data-center (RDC) of the DZA, but also a new dataset - the Scientific Use File of the study "Old Age in Germany" (D80+). The study was conducted by the University of Cologne and ceres (cologne centre for ethics, rights, economics, and social sciences of health) in cooperation with the German Centre of Gerontology (DZA).
With D80+, the population aged 80 years and older was surveyed nationwide in two phases in order to obtain representative information on living conditions and quality of life for the very old.
The study has an interdisciplinary design and also specifically addresses people who are no longer able to provide information themselves by having people close to them answer the questions on their behalf (proxy interviews). Furthermore, the sample was extended to include people in institutionalised forms of housing or care homes The design of the study had to be changed due to the coronavirus pandemic: the planned face-to-face survey was turned into a combined written and telephone survey. More than 10,000 people took part in the survey.
The Scientific Use File can be applied for online. The data can be freely accessed for scientific purposes after the conclusion of a written data usage agreement. In addition to the data, various documentation materials and a compilation of previous publications are available on our website.
For further information see
Enjoy working with this new treasure trove of data!
Best regards
Your research-data-center team of the DZA
(Anke Erdmann-Linge, Nicole Hameister, Beate Schwichtenberg, Stefan Stuth)
Stefan Stuth,
Nicole Hameister,
Merkmale dieser Pressemitteilung:
Studierende, Wissenschaftler
Ernährung / Gesundheit / Pflege, Gesellschaft, Politik, Psychologie
Forschungsergebnisse, Forschungsprojekte
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