In many companies, business specialists have to work together with engineers and technicians and require a basic understanding of technical interrelationships. The part-time Master's degree programme in Business Engineering at Leuphana Professional School focuses on this interface and teaches comprehensive technical knowledge in four semesters. The next intake will start in April 2024 and an information day will be held at Leuphana on 13 January 2024.
During their business engineering degree programme, students will study the fundamentals of engineering sciences, mechanical engineering, electrical and automation engineering, materials and production technology, information and communication technology and other technology-oriented processes in business. The development of skills for future managers is also part of the programme. Graduates should be able to work competently with the engineers and technicians in their company and take on management responsibility.
"Our degree programme has a technical-practical component of around 70 to 80 per cent. Students improve their understanding of technical processes not only in theory, but also in implementation," explains programme director Professor Jens Heger "Our students often come with a sound background in business administration. The strongly technically oriented degree programme offers them real added value and sets us apart from other providers in the part-time sector.” Students obtain an accredited Master of Science degree from a state university.”
The practice-orientated degree programme brings the latest research findings and university expertise directly into companies. "Issues from everyday working life are addressed during the degree programme. In their Master's thesis, students can develop a concept for a case study from their company," emphasises Jens Heger. Companies therefore benefit from fresh impetus and strengthen their competitiveness. In times of a shortage of skilled labour, employers who support such a degree programme are also particularly attractive.
Applications for the course are open until 31 January. Programme coordinator Ulrike Kahlfeldt (Tel. 04131.677-1867, is available for individual and non-binding consultations. All information on the degree programme can be found at
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Informationstechnik, Maschinenbau, Werkstoffwissenschaften, Wirtschaft
Studium und Lehre, wissenschaftliche Weiterbildung
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