DEAL Agreements with Elsevier, Springer Nature, and Wiley Promote Open Access Publishing as well as Free Access and Reusability of TU9 Publications
TU9 Universities have unanimously joined all three DEAL agreements. In doing so, they are strengthening the advancement of open access publishing as a standard of publication for researchers as well as free access to research articles. In 2022, researchers at the nine Universities of Technology published around 20 percent of the articles originating from Germany in Elsevier journals and also account for a significant share of the publication volume at Springer Nature and Wiley in Germany.
As a result of the DEAL negotiations in 2023, contracts with each of the publishers Elsevier, Springer Nature, and Wiley for the years 2024 to 2028 are now in place. All three agreements enable scientists to publish open access in the respective journal portfolio as well as providing comprehensive reading rights. On behalf of the Alliance of German Science Organizations, the German Rectors' Conference has been negotiating with the three largest scientific publishers since 2014.
"By joining the DEAL agreements, our scientists will publish their research results to an even greater extent as open access articles in the future. This will significantly increase the global visibility of excellent research at the TU9 Universities," said the TU9 Co-Presidents, Professor Tanja Brühl, President of TU Darmstadt, and Professor Angela Ittel, President of TU Braunschweig.
In line with the European Council, the TU9 Universities are also pursuing the goal of promoting Diamond Open Access through the operation and expansion of publication infrastructures in accordance with the requirements of various scientific disciplines. For researchers, this creates attractive alternatives to profit-oriented commercial publication options, without compromising on quality assurance and appropriate reputation metrics.
About TU9
TU9 is the Alliance of leading Universities of Technology in Germany: RWTH Aachen University, Technische Universität Berlin, Technische Universität Braunschweig, Technical University of Darmstadt, TUD Dresden University of Technology, Leibniz University Hannover, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Technical University of Munich, and University of Stuttgart.
TU9 Universities take special responsibility for the productive and innovative strength of our society and economy. We help shape the future by contributing to digitization and the energy and sustainability transition, to name a few. To this end, we combine our specific expertise in basic research, especially in the natural sciences and engineering, with applied research and innovation. TU9 Universities enjoy an outstanding reputation around the world as renowned research and teaching institutions. As such, they train exceptional young academics for careers in science, business, and administration and assume social responsibility. TU9 Universities foster top-class international networks and diverse cooperation with industry, making them a key element of Germany as a location of science and innovation.
Dr. Nicole Saverschek
Merkmale dieser Pressemitteilung:
Journalisten, Wissenschaftler
Kooperationen, Wissenschaftliche Publikationen
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