On January 25, 2024, Leuphana University Lüneburg invites you to an Open Day for its 'Studium Individuale' offer from 10 a.m. onwards. The event offers prospective students the opportunity to find out more about this exceptional study program. You will have the opportunity to get to know the program and structure of Studium Individuale and to talk to lecturers and students. The day also offers an insight into life on campus and at the university.
The Studium Individuale Bachelor's program is a response to the major changes of our time: in politics, at work and in our personal lives. In the tradition of liberal education, it is aimed at students who have a wide range of questions and broad interests, who want to work independently, whether alone or in a team, on central problems of the present and who are not quickly satisfied with simple answers.
The internationally oriented degree program is not focused on a single discipline, but combines different fields of knowledge, enables the creation of an individual profile and promotes essential academic skills such as analytical and reflective thinking, clear and convincing communication and sound judgment.
Another info day is planned for June 13, 2024.
Please register at: studium.individuale@leuphana.de
Further information on the program of the day:
Merkmale dieser Pressemitteilung:
Journalisten, Lehrer/Schüler, Studierende
Buntes aus der Wissenschaft, Studium und Lehre
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Zusammenhängende Worte werden als Wortgruppe gesucht, wenn Sie sie in Anführungsstriche setzen, z. B. „Bundesrepublik Deutschland“.
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