The National Anti Doping Agency of Germany (NADA Germany) and the Federal Institute for Sports Science (BISp) are jointly supporting the UEFA Men's European Football Championship, which begins on June 14, 2024, with the large-scale education campaign "Home match for fairness". The campaign is part of the "Home match for europe" project initiated by the Federal Ministry of the Interior and Community (BMI) and covers the topic of doping prevention.
Starting in February 2024, NADA Germany and BISp will use video messages from young athletes and the ambassadors of the host cities to draw attention to the important values and health issues in sport. Personalities such as the Host City Ambassador for Munich and FIFA referee Dr. Felix Brych will also be taking part. Young footballers from FC Victoria Köln and FC Ingolstadt 04 are also supporting the campaign. In terms of content, the protagonists' video messages deal with values such as fair play, sustainability, team spirit and optimism.
To the video messages:
On April 23, 2024, the German Football Museum in Dortmund will host the conference "Over-the-counter and therefore safe? Dietary supplements and painkillers in soccer and other team sports" organized by NADA and BISp. Moderated by Julia Kleine (German TV and radio presenter, former competitive athlete), Prof. Dr. Tim Meyer (Saarland University), Prof. Dr. Ansgar Thiel (University of Tübingen) and Angela Clausen (NRW Consumer Advice Center) will speak on the topic and will be available to answer questions afterwards. The event is open to the public. Further information will follow shortly.
During UEFA EURO 2024, target groups will be able to gain an immersive impression of athletes' decision-making situations with 360° videos at NADA Germany's TOGETHER AGAINST DOPING interaction stands. The interactive elements are intended to encourage people to reflect on their own values and health.
Information on the NADA and BISp education campaign for UEFA EURO 2024 can be found at
A complete overview of the "Home match for europe" project of the Federal Ministry of the Interior and Community can be found at the following link:
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