Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz implements the "FOOD includes: Reaching, recruiting and engaging excluded learners by harnessing the power of food" project to develop food-based training initiatives for excluded or non-interested learners
In December 2023, the new "FOOD includes" project funded by the European Commission started at the Center for Lifelong Learning at Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz (JGU). Over its 36-month term, the objective of "FOOD includes" is to increase take-up and improve the inclusiveness and accessibility of adult education. The project has been designed for adults with lower academic qualifications and migrants who are less likely to take advantage of continuing education and training opportunities. Therefore, the project focuses on activities revolving around foods, as this is a subject not specific in terms of generations and cultural background. "FOOD includes" will develop food-based training initiatives in the sense of a "searching pedagogy", suggesting that learners and educators jointly seek knowledge, develop new insights, and follow a participatory approach to education. By way of creating an open, explorative, and cooperative learning environment, where learning is viewed as a shared adventure, the project aims to recruit and engage traditionally excluded or non-interested learners.
Collaborative food projects will help learners to recognize their existent skills while being flexible enough to further literacy, numeracy, communication as well as entrepreneurial thinking, irrespective of initial capabilities in these areas. A clear focus will be on character-building aspects, such as the enhancement of self-esteem, confidence, and openness to learning. This will help educators in assessing each learner's strengths and opportunities to encourage the participants on individual further qualifications within adult education.
In addition to Mainz University, the "FOOD includes" project involves partners from Poland, Denmark, Ireland, Belgium, and Spain. The project is to run under the aegis of the JGU Center for Lifelong Learning from December 2023 to November 2026.
Further information:
Milena Ivanova
Center for Lifelong Learning
Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz
55099 Mainz, GERMANY
phone: +49 6131 39-22195
Merkmale dieser Pressemitteilung:
Journalisten, jedermann
Ernährung / Gesundheit / Pflege, Kulturwissenschaften, Pädagogik / Bildung, Sprache / Literatur
Kooperationen, wissenschaftliche Weiterbildung
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