Conference "Are we alone in the Universe?", 7 March 2024 at the French Embassy in Berlin
"Are we alone in the universe? Are the Earth and life unique in the cosmos? So what?"
These are the questions addressed by Prof. Jean-Pierre Bibring, a French astrophysicist at the Institut d'Astrophysique Spatiale (IAS, Institute for Space Astrophysics, a laboratory of the National Center of Scientific research and Paris-Saclay University), and Professor of Physics at Paris-Sud University (Orsay), in his book Seuls dans l'Univers: de la diversité des mondes à l'unicité de la vie (Alone in the Universe: From the diversity of worlds to the uniqueness of life), which he will be presenting in a conference.
Alongside Prof. Jean-Pierre Bibring will also be present Dr. Thomas Mernik, a German astrophysicist from the Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt (German Centre for Aviation and Aerospace), as well as Aiki Mira, a German science fiction author, Winner of the German Science Fiction Award for the best short story in 2023 and 2022 with Die Grenze der Welt (The border of the world) and Utopie27 (Utopia27). The novel Neongrau (Fluorescent Grey) won the Kurd-Laßwitz Prize in 2023.
The panellists will each present their point of view and discuss the possibility of extraterrestrial life.
This conference is open to anyone with an interest in astrophysics or science fiction, and a keen interest in learning more about life in the Universe.
The event will be held exclusively in English.
Practical information:
Date: March 7, 2024 - 6.30pm (Admission from 5.45pm)
Location: French Embassy to Germany. Entrance: Wilhelmstr. 69 10117 Berlin
For security purposes, entry will only be allowed on presentation of a valid ID.
Mandatory online registration until 4 March 2024, 12:00 (noon):
Merkmale dieser Pressemitteilung:
Journalisten, Lehrer/Schüler, Studierende, Wirtschaftsvertreter, Wissenschaftler, jedermann
Physik / Astronomie
Wissenschaftliche Publikationen
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