In its final statement, the Leibniz Senate emphasized the outstanding development and the good to excellent performance of the various research units of the Leibniz Center for Agricultural Landscape Research (ZALF). The Leibniz Senate recommends continued funding by the federal and state governments for the next seven years.
The Leibniz Senate recognized ZALF's important research contributions to highly topical issues such as land use, biodiversity, food security and climate change in agriculture. The outstanding development of ZALF since the last evaluation, the convincing and efficient structure of ZALF in three program areas and the research platform for data analysis and simulation as well as the dynamic work of the 28 working groups were particularly emphasized. The Leibniz Senate welcomed the increasingly international orientation of ZALF and the strong networking with national and international universities and research institutions.
As a Leibniz Institute, ZALF is regularly evaluated by the Leibniz Association. The evaluation is based on a report submitted by ZALF and an on-site inspection in May 2023.
"This very positive evaluation result is not least a valuable recognition of the outstanding performance and the good cooperation of our employees, both in the scientific and in the administrative area", says Prof. Frank Ewert, Scientific Director of ZALF. "We want to maintain and further develop this high quality.
Under the leadership of Prof. Ewert, the recommendations of the last evaluation in 2017 were successfully implemented. According to the Leibniz Senate, the excellent cooperation with the Administrative Director Martin Jank, who was appointed in 2021, has also made a decisive contribution.
The chances are therefore good that the Federal Government and the Länder will be able to agree on renewed comprehensive funding for ZALF for the next seven years at their Joint Science Conference (GWK). Funding is provided in equal parts by the German Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture (BMEL) and the Brandenburg Ministry of Science, Research and Culture (MWFK). Statement of the Senate of the Leibniz Association on the evaluation of ZALF (in German)
Following the successful completion of the evaluation, the Senate of the Leibniz Association has rec ...
© Jarno Müller / ZALF
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Journalisten, Wissenschaftler
Tier / Land / Forst
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Following the successful completion of the evaluation, the Senate of the Leibniz Association has rec ...
© Jarno Müller / ZALF
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