In one in four companies, "autonomous bureaucracy reduction" takes place because managers feel overwhelmed by bureaucratic requirements, according to research by the IfM Bonn. The researchers have now asked entrepreneurs how bureaucracy can be effectively reduced. The result: the majority of them would like to see more trust on the part of legislators and the inclusion of entrepreneurial expertise in the legislative process.
Four out of ten entrepreneurs feel restricted in their entrepreneurial autonomy due to current bureaucratic requirements. Around a quarter of them consider it important for entrepreneurial expertise to have a stronger influence on legislative processes, so that regulations can be better tailored to the realities of businesses. This is the result of a survey conducted by IfM Bonn, in which approximately 850 entrepreneurs provided more than 1,500 suggestions on how to reduce bureaucratic burdens.
Simplification of Legal Requirements and Increased Trust
Nearly every third of entrepreneurs believe it is necessary to simplify legal requirements and expedite approval processes within government agencies. Particularly concerning tax law, building permit procedures, the General Data Protection Regulation, and the Supply Chain Act, they perceive an urgent need for action.
An important aspect of the demanded bureaucracy reduction also lies in the experience that entrepreneurs have had with the relevant authorities: If this experience is predominantly (very) negative, they desire more trust instead of control. If it is positive, they primarily advocate for simplified legislation and faster approval processes.
Nevertheless, the majority of entrepreneurs are willing to contribute their expertise to the bureaucracy reduction process. "However, bureaucracy reduction is a highly complex task that does not promise quick, permanent solutions. Together with entrepreneurs, economic policy can initiate a continuous process that can be continually adjusted and optimized to changing environmental conditions. It is certainly helpful if entrepreneurs, with their practical experience, are more involved in the legislative process," concludes Dr Annette Icks, project manager at the Institut für Mittelstandsforschung (IfM) Bonn.
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