From now until 31 May 2024, employees from the cultural management sector can apply for the new year of the part-time distance learning programme Arts and Cultural Management (M.A.) at Leuphana University Lüneburg and the Goethe-Institut. The application-oriented, English-language study programme qualifies students from all over the world to deal with current and future challenges in cultural organisations. The next programme will start in September 2024. Digital information events will be offered to prospective students in April and May.
The main topics of the mainly online interdisciplinary degree programme are Internationalisation, transformation, digitalisation and sustainability in cultural management. Students also expand their knowledge in the areas of entrepreneurship and audience development and develop their own analysis and evaluation tools. A particular focus is placed on practical qualification: international case studies and project work help students to transfer their specialist knowledge into practice.
For many students, the Master's programme is likely to be a unique training opportunity, as it is not offered in their home countries. Those already working in the cultural sector can use the knowledge they have acquired for new projects and further develop their organisations and initiatives. For others, the degree programme offers an attractive opportunity to enter the international cultural sector.
Prospective students can choose between a three-semester programme with 60 credit points (CP) and a more extensive version with four semesters and 90 CP. In both cases, students only have to travel to Lüneburg for two one-week block courses and otherwise study via a digital learning platform. Alternatively, three certificate programmes can be put togetsher and studied from the modules on offer. This further increases flexibility.
The Arts and Cultural Management Master's programme is the third joint project between Leuphana and the Goethe-Institut following two successful large online courses. The Goethe-Institut is contributing its extensive experience in international cultural management to both the development and teaching of the programme.
Prospective students can find out more about the Master's programme at an online information day on 26 April 2024 and at an online information event on 15 May 2024 and ask questions about the programme. Prospective students can also arrange a personal consultation with programme coordinator Christian Holst at any time (, phone + 49 4131.677-2534).
All information about the degree programme and registration can be found at:
Merkmale dieser Pressemitteilung:
Journalisten, Studierende, Wirtschaftsvertreter, Wissenschaftler, jedermann
Gesellschaft, Kulturwissenschaften, Musik / Theater, Sprache / Literatur, Wirtschaft
Studium und Lehre, wissenschaftliche Weiterbildung
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