The number of start-ups in the liberal professions grew most strongly in Baden-Württemberg and Saarland in 2023. Looking only at the number of start-ups by female freelancers their share of all freelance start-ups was highest in the north.
The number of startups in the liberal professions increased by 1.7% in 2023 compared to the previous year, reaching around 94,670. This means that once again, more freelancers took the path to self-employment than in the previous year. At the same time, the number of freelance startups exceeded the pre-pandemic level for the first time (2019: 93,590). This is also reflected in the startup intensity, the number of startups per 10,000 economically active inhabitants: It is now at 18.4, surpassing both 2022 (18.1) and 2019 (18.2).
The number of startups in the liberal professions increased most in Saarland and Baden-Württemberg. In Saxony, Bremen, Hesse, Hamburg, and Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, fewer freelancers started businesses compared to 2022
In the north the proportion of women is higher
The proportion of women in all self-employed startups remained constant (54.8%) in the federal average. But their startup share was significantly above the average in Schleswig-Holstein (59.0%) and Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania (58.8%). Relative to 10,000 employees, the number of female-led startups was highest in Berlin (57) and Hamburg (38), followed by Saxony and Bavaria (22).
The data on startups in liberal professions are available on the homepage of the Institut für Mittelstandsforschung (
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