The German Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (GBM e.V.) is organizing its new conference format "GBM Compact" in Frankfurt/Main for the second time in September. Following the very successful first event in September 2023 on the topic of Proteomics, this year's conference will be all about Imaging.
Our understanding of cellular structures and functions advanced tremendously over the recent years owing to many developments in imaging technologies. These breakthroughs made biochemistry and molecular cell biology visual!
The second GBM Compact meeting in Frankfurt will present examples of impressive possibilities in cellular imaging, covering novel approaches in light and electron microscopy as well as image analysis. Still, the main focus will be on the biology and biochemistry that we can ‘see’ now for the first time.
The Keynote Ada-Yonath-Lecture will be given by Nobel laureate Stefan Hell (MPI Göttingen).
In addition to excellent invited speakers, there will be six slots for short talks selected from the abstracts.
Moreover, workshops on specific methods in imaging, image processing and analysis will be integrated into the compact 24 h program, which will be tailored to different groups of participants to make the meeting exciting not only for microscopy experts but also for students, postdocs and non-microscopists.
The poster exhibition and a get-together for all participants on the evening of the first conference day will round off the program.
The best two posters will receive a poster prize (300 € each) at the end of the conference.
Abstract and early registration deadline: June 30
Konstanze Winklhofer (Bochum), Johannes Herrmann (Kaiserslautern), Stefan Jakobs (Göttingen) and Christian Münch (Frankfurt)
Date: September 26-27, 2024
Venue: University Hospital Frankfurt, Goethe University, Theodor-Stern-Kai 7, Building 22
More information and registration at Conference website GBM website
GBM Compact - Focus on Imaging
GBM e.V.
Merkmale dieser Pressemitteilung:
Journalisten, Studierende, Wirtschaftsvertreter, Wissenschaftler
Biologie, Chemie, Medizin
Wissenschaftliche Tagungen
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