Integration of MagRail system into the hyperloop GoTube project marks a new era of European transport innovation
Confirmation that Nevomo strategy of seamlessly combining rail with hyperloop is feasible and viable
Nevomo, a leading European deep-tech company and the developer of the innovative MagRail technology, and the Institute of Hyperloop Technology (IHT) at the University of Applied ScienceEmden/Leer, Germany are entering the next phase of their strategic partnership to advance next-generation technologies for the mobility industry. A central element of this collaboration is the integration of Nevomo's MagRail propulsion system and power electronics into the IHT's GoTube demonstrator. The initiative will also validate the scalability and efficiency of MagRail technology, paving the way for future applications in Hyperrail and Ultra-High Speed rail systems.
'Bringing Nevomo on board as a technology partner for our GoTube project has allowed us to advance the technical development of our project,’ said Prof. Dr.-Ing. Thomas Schüning, Board of Directors, Institute of Hyperloop Technology
CargoTube is a new approach to low-pressure tube transport (LPTT) that uses proven technologies and can be rapidly deployed in freight transport. This makes it an affordable alternative and preliminary step to solutions such as complex conventional hyperloop systems. CargoTube is less costly to implement and provides lower safety and infrastructure requirements. At the same time, it is complementary and compatible with new hyperloop standards and technologies. The solution provides a number of benefits including zero direct emissions while ensuring the rapid movement of goods with great potential for sustainably linking urban areas, economic regions and manufacturing plants.
‘The implementation of magnetic propulsion for CargoTube paves the way for a completely contactless guided and levitating system for high-speed applications,’ said Prof. Dr. Walter Neu, Board of Directors, Institute of Hyperloop Technology.
Nevomo's proven track record in developing scalable solutions for both conventional and maglev rail transport not only provides a solid foundation for enhancing future systems’ interoperability and multimodality but is a game changer in streamlining and developing high-speed transport across Europe and worldwide. What's more, Nevomo's incremental approach to implementing hyperloop-inspired technologies will finally be able to be reliably tested in a controlled hyperloop environment, preparing the ground for the future steps in the development of technologies such as MagRail / Maglev and Hyperloop.
‘Europe has already once missed an opportunity to be a leader in ultra-high-speed rail by abandoning the maglev (Transrapid) project in the first decade of the 21st century, resulting in the implementation and development of this technology in China. The partnership between Nevomo and the Institute of Hyperloop Technology will proof that a seamless link of railway and hyperloop is technically doable, via MagRail as a bridging technology. We are very proud to have the University of Applied Sciences Emden/Leer as our partner,’ said Stefan Kirch, Chief Commercial Officer & Co-Founder, Nevomo.
Nevomo’s advanced MagRail technology uses passive maglev based on linear propulsion. By ensuring interoperability with existing rail systems and extending multimodality, it can allow Europe to regain its leading role in innovation in the area of sustainable mobility.
Following successful testing of magnetic levitation-based MagRail technology and an electromagnetic propulsion-based MagRail Booster with a linear motor on its own test track, MagRail will be presented in an operational hyperloop demonstrator of the University of Applied Sciences in Emden.
About the Institute of Hyperloop Technology
The Institute of Hyperloop Technology (IHT) was founded 2021 at the University of Applied Sciences Emden/Leer. IHT is focused on Hyperloop development and applications, both in physics and engineering sciences. The Institute of Hyperloop Technologies serves as system integrator by developing, validating and integrating hyperloop technologies for a sustainable new mode of transportation. Thus, the Institute aims to establish an international consortium to foster a Large-Scale Hyperloop Research and Technology Facility in Europe, operational at real life conditions. This joint effort of the private sector and academia in an open research network will accelerate the development of a standardized European Hyperloop ecosystem.
Prof. Dr. Walter Neu (
Prof. Dr. Thomas Schüning (
Merkmale dieser Pressemitteilung:
Journalisten, Wissenschaftler
Maschinenbau, Verkehr / Transport
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