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16.09.2024 12:31

DGKL launches MedLabPortal

Markus Wolters Geschäftsstelle
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Klinische Chemie und Laboratoriumsmedizin e. V.

    Germany receives the first information portal operated by a medical society for laboratory medicine. MedLabPortal ( offers daily news as well as a chatbot based on the latest Large Language Model (LLM) technology from Open AI.

    The tool, which runs under the name INVI, is not a pure copy of ChatGPT. Rather, it is a version of the AI specially tailored to MedLabPortal, which relies on the expert knowledge of the German Society for Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine (DGKL). INVI is currently in the start-up phase and is fed with exclusive data from the DGKL. In this way, users of MedLabPortal will be able to ask specific questions in the medium term, to which the DGKL will provide an answer via INVI.

    What is particularly new here is the concept of generated answers. Unlike the classic versions of generally accessible language models, the interdisciplinary team behind INVI trains the chatbot to output short answers. In this way, complex topics, focused in a single paragraph, are output as initial orientation. Anyone wishing to delve deeper into the subject matter can find more detailed information via the portal's classic search mask.

    Another special feature is the integration of the newly programmed members' area. Here you will find online groups of the individual sections of the DGKL. Within the groups, members can exchange information directly on current topics, plan congresses and events or work internally on statements from the specialist society.

    In addition, MedLabPortal offers companies and researchers the opportunity to draw attention to their innovations and publications. The "Corporate News" section contains announcements from companies, while abstracts from medical journals can be found in the "Original Papers" section.

    In this way, MedLabPortal is becoming the digital hub for all matters relating to laboratory medicine.


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    Journalisten, Studierende, Wirtschaftsvertreter, Wissenschaftler, jedermann
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