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09.10.2024 16:51

Premiere for the Xcool Lab: Kick off with Gymnasium Schenefeld

Gerhard Samulat Presse- und Öffentlichkeitsarbeit
European XFEL GmbH

    The new Xcool Lab of European XFEL opens its laboratory doors today. The 15 school students on a physics course at Gymnasium Schenefeld are the very first to take advantage of this new offer from European XFEL. Their topic: ‘The invisible world of X-rays’. Courses in molecular biology will also take place soon.

    “We are delighted to be able to offer young people the opportunity to explore the fascinating world of science with the Xcool Lab,” says Nicole Elleuche, Managing Director and Administrative Director of European XFEL. “School students gain their first research experience with us and at the same time learn how cooperation, tolerance and diversity make world-class research possible in an international institution.”

    The one-day workshops start at nine in the morning and run until around 3.30 pm (including breaks). They are designed for a maximum of 32 participants each and are offered in both German and English. Participation is free of charge.

    From Monday to Friday, school classes and physics or biology courses now have the opportunity to experience science up close in two state-of-the-art laboratories and investigate scientific questions in physics or molecular biology with independent experiments. The Xcool Lab enables practical learning through research-based courses related to the requirements of school curricula. Both programmes are initially aimed at upper secondary schools of all types and can be booked by teachers.

    In the modern physics laboratory, various experiments provide insights into the generation of X-rays with free electrons and their utilisation. School students measure X-ray spectra based on Bragg reflection, deflect particles with magnetic fields and generate diffraction images.
    A first course in molecular biology on the topic of ‘On the trail of viruses’ is planned for next week. In the biology lab, students will learn how to pipette, amplify gene sequences via polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and separate nucleic acid strands according to their size, among other things. They also gain an insight into determining and analysing Covid-19 variants, how PCR tests work and can discuss artificially modified viruses. Participants can also learn how to analyse mutations using bioinformatics methods. The courses will take place in the Lighthouse exhibition and conference centre, which will be officially opened on 20 November.

    Information and bookings for the Xcool Lab at Further courses on various topics, including for lower secondary schools, are currently being developed.

    European XFEL also offers free educational material as part of a virus research initiative funded by the Joachim Herz Foundation. Further details can be found at

    Weitere Informationen: (Homepage) (Physik) (Molekularbiologie) (freies Bildungsmaterial zur Virenforschung)


    In the new Xcool Lab, school students can dive into research at the European XFEL.
    In the new Xcool Lab, school students can dive into research at the European XFEL.
    Frank Poppe
    © European XFEL

    In the Xcool Lab, school students experience how cooperation, tolerance and diversity enable world-class research in an international institution.
    In the Xcool Lab, school students experience how cooperation, tolerance and diversity enable world-c ...
    Frank Poppe
    © European XFEL

    Merkmale dieser Pressemitteilung:
    Lehrer/Schüler, jedermann
    Biologie, Chemie, Pädagogik / Bildung, Physik / Astronomie
    Buntes aus der Wissenschaft, Schule und Wissenschaft


    In the new Xcool Lab, school students can dive into research at the European XFEL.

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    In the Xcool Lab, school students experience how cooperation, tolerance and diversity enable world-class research in an international institution.

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