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07.02.2025 11:17

20 million euros for the medicine of the future

Inka Burow Stabsstelle Kommunikation
Medizinische Hochschule Hannover

    From Molecule to Human Health: MHH launches pioneering diagnostic and therapeutic approaches at molecular and cellular level.

    Hannover Medical School (MHH) wants to expand its leading position in the development of active ingredients for individualised medicines in order to achieve sustainable success in the age of personalised medicine. To this end, a research team led by former MHH President Prof. Dr Michael Manns is now receiving 20 million euros from the zukunft.niedersachsen funding programme. This will be used to create two new virtual centres for pioneering diagnostic and therapeutic approaches at molecular and cellular level: the Single Cell and Spatial Omics Analysis Centre (SiCSAC) and the Centre for Gene and Cell Therapy (CGaCT).

    As future precision medicine can only thrive on a solid foundation of infrastructure and talent, the MHH is aiming to consolidate and strengthen key interdisciplinary areas with the establishment of the two new centres. ‘Our vision is to generate innovation cycles in precision medicine using the latest molecular and cellular techniques in biomedicine and data science,’ explains Professor Manns. ‘The funding will enable us to optimise the process from preclinical development through advanced diagnostic and mechanistic studies to translation into therapeutic interventions - MHH: From Molecule to Human Health.’

    ‘In order to continuously develop innovations in precision medicine, we need to address potential threats related to the shortage of specialists and the competition between patient care and research requirements,‘ adds MHH President Prof. Denise Hilfiker-Kleiner, Ph.D. “With the funding from the ”Strategically Unleashing Potential’ funding initiative, we can get a lot of things off the ground.

    I would like to congratulate Professor Michael Manns and his team on this success.’

    ‘Strategically developing potential’ funding initiative

    The Lower Saxony Ministry of Science and Culture (MWK) and the Volkswagen Foundation have launched their largest funding initiative to date in the history of the state of Lower Saxony with ‘’Strategically Developing Potential‘’: under the umbrella of the joint zukunft.niedersachsen programme, a total of 265 million euros will be distributed to Lower Saxony's universities to help them position themselves more strongly internationally, sharpen their profiles and intensify strategic partnerships.

    You can find the MWK press release with all the projects funded by the ‘Strategically developing potential’ funding initiative here:


    A symbolic photo for molecular research
    A symbolic photo for molecular research

    Copyright: Karin Kaiser/MHH/KI-generated

    Supported: The areas of the project „From Molecules to Human Health“ build on each other.
    Supported: The areas of the project „From Molecules to Human Health“ build on each other.
    © Jan Tauwaldt/MHH

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    Buntes aus der Wissenschaft, Wettbewerbe / Auszeichnungen


    A symbolic photo for molecular research

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    Supported: The areas of the project „From Molecules to Human Health“ build on each other.

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