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10.02.2025 14:05

Nursing Degree Career Day: Retaining Our Region’s Highly-Skilled Professionals

Christina Selzer Hochschulkommunikation und -marketing
Universität Bremen

    What prospects does Bremen offer after studying nursing? This is the focus of the Career Day for University-Qualified Nurses. APOLLON University for Healthcare Management, Bremen City University of Applied Sciences, and the University of Bremen will provide information about career paths.

    In Bremen, more and more students receive nursing training in bachelor's degree programs and then enter the labor market as highly qualified healthcare professionals. At a Career Day jointly organized by APOLLON University for Healthcare Management, Bremen City University of Applied Sciences, University of Bremen, and Health Sciences Bremen, universities as well as employers will explain the advantages of staying in Bremen after completing a bachelor's degree.

    Bremen’s higher education institutions will first present a wide range of opportunities for further qualification including master's degree programs in Palliative Care, Vocational Education Nursing Science, Community Healthcare, and Nursing and Applied Gerontology. Afterwards, potential employers – including clinics, care facilities, and mobile nursing services – will present the career prospects they offer academically trained professionals. Representatives of the institutions and students can directly discuss possible internships and career prospects during the subsequent “speed-speaking.”

    Working Together to Attract University-Qualified Nurses to Bremen State

    “Ensuring sufficient nursing staff for clinics, long-term care facilities, and home services is currently a major social challenge. The International Nursing BA program at Bremen City University of Applied Sciences is therefore particularly pleased to be a co-initiator and host at their “Campus am Brill” location this year and, together with Bremen’s other higher education institutes (HEIs), show the program’s students and graduates what attractive career prospects and opportunities for further qualification the federal state has to offer. Together, we are addressing the shortage of non-physician healthcare professionals in Bremen,” says Professor Claudia Stolle-Wahl from Bremen City University of Applied Sciences.

    “At the University of Bremen, we have two master’s degree programs that offer university graduates attractive options for further qualification. These prepare them for teaching activities in vocational training, advanced training, and further education; or for a career in healthcare research or healthcare management,” explains Professor Ingrid Darmann-Finck from the University of Bremen. “We provide an academic environment in which research is directly linked to care practice,” adds Professor Karin Wolf-Ostermann from the University of Bremen.

    “There are a multitude of career paths in the healthcare sector. We are therefore pleased that we can address numerous individual needs in terms of both content and organization with the extensive range of qualifications offered by Bremen HEIs. Students who study part-time at APOLLON University while working in healthcare are able to combine professional experience with the theoretical content of the degree and implement this directly in their everyday work. The Career Day not only shows nurses various qualification and career opportunities, but also brings potential employees and employers together. This is a game-changer for nursing in Bremen,” emphasizes Professor Claudia Schepers from the APOLLON University Bremen.

    The Career Day for University-Qualified Nurses will take place on February 14, 2025 at Bremen City University of Applied Sciences, Am Brill 2-4 in Bremen.

    Wissenschaftliche Ansprechpartner:

    Maren Emde
    Health Sciences Research and Outreach Center
    Scientific Management
    High-Profile Area Health Sciences
    University of Bremen
    Phone: +49 421 218-58519

    Weitere Informationen:


    What prospects does Bremen offer after studying nursing? This is the focus of the Career Day for University-Qualified Nurses
    What prospects does Bremen offer after studying nursing? This is the focus of the Career Day for Uni ...
    Ana Rodriguez
    Hochschule Bremen/Ana Rodriguez

    Merkmale dieser Pressemitteilung:
    Ernährung / Gesundheit / Pflege
    Studium und Lehre


    What prospects does Bremen offer after studying nursing? This is the focus of the Career Day for University-Qualified Nurses

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