From now on, the website has a new design and an even clearer structure.
PreReg guides researchers through all preregistration steps and now offers an even clearer website structure.
With preregistration, researchers document and publish their study plans before collecting or analyzing their data, which increases transparency in the research process and can reduce questionable research practices. Since 2020, the Leibniz Institute for Psychology (ZPID) has been supporting the preregistration of studies in psychology and neighboring disciplines with its service PreReg. Now, the website has a new design and an even clearer structure.
PreReg guides researchers through all the steps of the preregistration, which are now presented in separate sections on the website. In the “Create” section, researchers are supported in the preparation of the study protocol by various templates. The resulting protocols can then be published via a direct link to PsychArchives, the disciplinary repository for psychological science and neighboring disciplines.
Plans can change, and sometimes deviations from preregistrations are unavoidable or improve the quality of the study - in these cases, it is important to be able to report deviations from preregistered plans easily and transparently. To support this, PreReg offers the “Update” section, where a template for reporting deviations is provided. Finally, in the “Explore” section, researchers can find out more about preregistration and get answers to the most important questions.
The new version of PreReg is now available via:
Foto: ZPID
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