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25.02.2025 15:27

Back to the Future

Marietta Fuhrmann-Koch Kommunikation und Marketing
Universität Heidelberg

    It’s “Back to the Future” for the Department of Philosophy at Heidelberg University. This institution with its rich tradition has undergone a fundamental renewal in terms of its staff and the direction of its research. The five recently appointed professors at the department also understand their cooperation as a return to the interdisciplinary nature of philosophy in antiquity – and therefore regard Heidelberg University, with its high degree of interdisciplinarity, as an ideal environment for their scholarly work. Their expert conversation sets the scene in the latest edition of the research magazine RUPERTO CAROLA, which consists of 16 articles devoted to the paired concepts BACK & FORTH.

    Press Release
    Heidelberg, 25 February 2025

    Back to the Future
    New edition of the research magazine RUPERTO CAROLA focuses on the paired concepts BACK & FORTH

    It’s “Back to the Future” for the Department of Philosophy at Heidelberg University. This institution – with its rich tradition associated with illustrious names like Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel, Karl Jaspers and Hans-Georg Gadamer – has undergone a fundamental renewal in terms of its staff and the direction of its research. The five recently appointed professors at the department also understand their cooperation as a return to the interdisciplinary nature of philosophy in antiquity – and therefore regard Heidelberg University, with its high degree of lived interdisciplinarity, as an ideal environment for their scholarly work. Their expert conversation sets the scene in the latest edition of the research magazine RUPERTO CAROLA, which consists of 16 articles devoted to the paired concepts BACK & FORTH.

    Is there a way back for the USA out of the profound split between politics and society, and what does this mean for the future of democracy? Not only in the United States but also in Europe, the increasing division into progressive and backward-looking electorates is bringing forth new kinds of political landscapes. The causes, impacts and perspectives are taken up in two articles from the fields of America research and political science. Under the heading BACK & FORTH, the contributions to this 25th edition of the research magazine range from the return of cultural goods removed from colonial contexts and relapses in people suffering from addiction disorders to back-and-forth models used in climate research. 24 academics give an insight into their research across the different disciplines of Heidelberg University’s 13 faculties – from astronomy, linguistics and literary studies to environmental physics.

    The research magazine RUPERTO CAROLA appears twice a year, mainly in German with English abstracts, and addresses all members of the university, its partners in academia, politics, business and society, and, in particular, alumni, friends and an interested public in Germany and abroad. The magazine is available from the Communications and Marketing department of Heidelberg University (Old University, Grabengasse 1, phone +49 6221 / 54-2311). All editions are also accessible online via the open-access publisher Heidelberg University Publishing (heiUP).

    Heidelberg University
    Communications and Marketing
    Press Office, phone +49 6221 54-2311

    Weitere Informationen: – Research magazine RUPERTO CAROLA – Heidelberg University Publishing


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    Journalisten, jedermann
    Forschungs- / Wissenstransfer, Forschungsergebnisse



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