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26.02.2025 15:45

BTU Master's degree programme in Physics receives top marks from students

Ralf-Peter Witzmann Kommunikation & Marketing
Brandenburgische Technische Universität Cottbus-Senftenberg

    The still young international Master's degree programme in Physics at the Brandenburg University of Technology Cottbus-Senftenberg (BTU) is highly recommended by its students. It is excellently positioned in the current Master's ranking of the Centre for Higher Education Development (CHE).

    The still young international Master's degree programme in Physics at the Brandenburg University of Technology Cottbus-Senftenberg (BTU) is highly recommended by its students. It is excellently positioned in the current Master's ranking of the Centre for Higher Education Development (CHE).

    Extremely positive student assessments from the Master's degree programme in Physics ensure top rankings inalmost all criteria of the most comprehensive and detailed university comparison in the German-speaking world. Particularly noteworthy here are the general study situation and supervision by lecturers, the range of courses and the inclusion of digital teaching elements as well as the practical orientation of teaching, the organisation of studies, support during studies and support for studying abroad

    Prof. Dr. rer. nat. habil. Götz Seibold heads this four-semester study programme at BTU's main campus in Cottbus, which has been open for enrolment since 2021. Students are awarded a Master of Science degree. The international Master's degree programme in Physics is admission-free. The language of teaching is English.
    The programme starts in both the summer and winter semesters.

    Students confirm and emphasise the excellent ratings with their personal experiences

    "The decision to complete my Master's at BTU has proved to be extremely enriching," says student Sogand Bagheri from Iran, for example. "The general study situation is excellent. One particular advantage is the practical and future-orientated design of the lectures. The supervisor provided by the lecturers is another plus point. The international orientation of the programme should also be emphasised. I can warmly recommend the Master's degree programme in Physics at BTU. The combination of excellent supervisors, future-oriented content and an international environment makes the programme an outstanding experience."

    Her fellow student, Cottbus-born Max Gertig, emphasizes,among other things, the very good supervision of final theses and the proximity to research activities and emphasises: "I would always choose to study at BTU again. The family atmosphere, the close-knit student community and the diversity of the people are all decisive reasons for studying at BTU". He describes the physics programme at the BTU in Cottbus as excellent. "By focussing on topics such as Solid State Physics, Computational Physics, but also innovative research in the field of sustainability, the Physics department at BTU makes a significant contribution to the research community and also to future sustainability."

    Master's student Amin Adineh from Iran explains: “During my one and a half year stay in Cottbus,
    I found that the program is excellently structured. The program's international character, with its diverse student body and faculty, provides valuable exposure to global perspectives in physics. I would strongly recommend this Master's program to future students, particularly those interested in quantum mechanical devices and Solid State Physics. The combination of excellent mentorship, especially from a professor like Dr. Seibold, along with the well-structured curriculum and research opportunities, provides an outstanding foundation for a career in Physics.

    Further information
    The international Master's degree programme in Physics provides the key qualifications for a future career as a physicist in a research- and supervision-intensive training programme. The four-semester programme is divided into a two-semester specialisation phase, followed by a two-semester research phase. In particular, the specialisation phase focuses on the field of Materials Research with a focus on semiconductor devices/functional materials.
    In the research phase, students are familiarised with the current state of research in a sub-field of Physics of their choice, such as the Physics of nanostructured devices, Surface Physics or Theoretical Solid State Physics. The research phase concludes with the completion of the Master's thesis and can also lead to subsequent doctoral studies.
    Professional fields of activity include basic and industrial research, the applied development of new physical-technical solutions and collaboration in research projects.

    More about the Master's degree programme in Physics:

    To the complete study program of the BTU:

    Weitere Informationen: - to the press release on the BTU Cottbus-Senftenberg homepage - to the results of the CHE Master's ranking


    Highly satisfied students of the international Master's degree programme in Physics in the laboratory of the Applied Physics and Semiconductor Spectroscopy chair (from left): Amin Adineh, Sogand Bagheri and Max Gertig.
    Highly satisfied students of the international Master's degree programme in Physics in the laborator ...
    Photo: BTU, Isabelle Grätz

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    Journalisten, Lehrer/Schüler, Studierende, jedermann
    Physik / Astronomie
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    Highly satisfied students of the international Master's degree programme in Physics in the laboratory of the Applied Physics and Semiconductor Spectroscopy chair (from left): Amin Adineh, Sogand Bagheri and Max Gertig.

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