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27.02.2025 13:41

CISPA publishes its second research yearbook CISPA Display

Annabelle Theobald Unternehmenskommunikation
CISPA Helmholtz Center for Information Security

    The second edition of our CISPA Display has been released. This publication summarizes selected research findings from the past year and provides in-depth insights into current developments in cybersecurity and AI research. CISPA Display is available in both German and English and can be accessed digitally.

    With CISPA Display we aim to offer a broad audience—including researchers, industry representatives and the general public—an accessible introduction to the highly relevant research topics our scientists at CISPA are working on. To achieve this, CISPA’s Science Communication Department has collaborated closely with researchers to present a selection of scientific studies in an easily understandable manner.

    “Through this publication, we aim not only to highlight the outstanding research achievements at CISPA, but also want to raise awareness about cybersecurity threats and the challenges and opportunities in the use of artificial intelligence,” says Sebastian Klöckner, Head of the Communications Department at CISPA. Our research provides essential insights that enhance the security of digital infrastructures and AI applications while also driving the development of new protection mechanisms against cyber threats. The key challenge in science communication is to build a bridge between research and society and to convey scientific findings in a way that is both understandable and well-founded.
    CISPA Display’s latest edition sheds light on topics such as password security and authentication, vulnerabilities in digital systems, social engineering and manipulation techniques, deepfakes and security in communication platforms.

    CISPA Display is now available as a digital edition on the CISPA website and can be downloaded free of charge.

    Weitere Informationen: Here you can find more information and the latest issue


    CISPA publishes its second research yearbook "CISPA Display"
    CISPA publishes its second research yearbook "CISPA Display"
    Tobias Ebelshäuser

    Merkmale dieser Pressemitteilung:
    Forschungs- / Wissenstransfer, Wissenschaftliche Publikationen


    CISPA publishes its second research yearbook "CISPA Display"

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