Tuesday, 08 April 2025, 20:00 (CET)
Filmstudio Glückauf, Rüttenscheider Str. 2, 45128 Essen
The rise of cinema in the early 20th century saw the emergence of a new masculine icon: the tearless hero. Beginning only in the 1970s, male tears slowly trickled back onto the silver screen, eventually becoming a crucial factor for commercial and critical success in films ranging from Midnight Cowboy and Rambo to Lord of the Rings. Around the same time, social scientists note a further decrease in male crying offscreen, with the cinema becoming the last resort for a good manly weep.
In our presentation, we invite the audience to take a historical look at sad movie scenes to encounter the world of male tears, those on the screen and in the cinema seat. Under what circumstances can a hard-boiled hero shed tears without spoiling the box office? How have filmmakers throughout history approached the problem of representing male emotions? And why are real men not crying at their weddings but instead while watching Pixar or superhero movies?
Martin Behnke, Screenwriter
Stefan Höhne, Cultural Historian at KWI
Danilo Scholz, KWI
Armin Flender, KWI
Tickets can be purchased online here, at the box office or via telephone at 0201 43 93 66 33. Entrance: 5,- € | reduced 3,- €
Organized by the Institute for Advanced Study in the Humanities (KWI) in the CineScience-series “Schund und Vergnügen”.
Über CineScience „Schund und Vergnügen“
Im Wintersemester 2024/25 steht die KWI-Veranstaltungsreihe CineScience ganz im Zeichen der „guilty pleasures“, denen sich das KWI im Rahmen seines Jahresthemas verschrieben hat. An vier Abenden gibt sich die in Kooperation mit dem Essener Filmstudio Glückauf lancierte Reihe hemmungslos dem Vergnügen an vermeintlichem Schund hin. Denn ist der schnöde Hochkulturanspruch erst einmal revidiert, sitzt es sich im Kino endlich wieder ungeniert.
About the Institute for Advanced Study in the Humanities (KWI):
The Institute for Advanced Study in the Humanities (KWI) Essen, Germany, is an interdisciplinary research centre following the tradition of international Institutes for Advanced Study. In its role as an inter-university institution connecting the Ruhr-University Bochum, the Technological University Dortmund and the University of Duisburg-Essen, the institute works together with researchers and scientists from its neighbouring universities as well as other partners from the federal state NRW and places in- and outside of Germany. Within the Ruhr area, the KWI is a place to share and discuss the questions and results of ambitious research with interested parties from the city and the greater region. Currently, work at the KWI focusses on the following areas: “cultural studies of science and science policy making”, “sociology of literature and culture”, “science communication”, “visual literacy” and a “teaching lab”. Projects in the established research field “culture of communication”, as well as individual projects, will be continued.
https://www.kulturwissenschaften.de/veranstaltung/how-to-make-men-cry-cinescienc... Event on the KWI website
CineScience Abend "How to Make Men Cry?"
KWI, Design: Happy Little Accidents
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