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08.06.2006 17:22

European Membrane Reactor Technology for Wastewater Treatment - Cluster Website has launched

Dr.-Ing. Bodo Weigert Presse- und Öffentlichkeitsarbeit
KompetenzZentrum Wasser Berlin gGmbH (KWB)

    The European cluster "MBR-Network" has launched their official website.

    The European cluster "MBR-Network", group of four projects financed by the European Commission and entirely dedicated to the development of the membrane bioreactor technology has launched their official website

    The four projects, namely AMEDEUS, EUROMBRA, MBR-TRAIN and PURATREAT are supported by three different financial instruments set up by the European Commission within the sixth Framework Program, and are implemented in parallel from October 2005 up to December 2009. They will perform research, development, capacity building and technological transfer in regards to this promising wastewater treatment process.

    Around 50 European and international companies and institutions are actively involved in these four projects and will join their efforts and coordinate their actions within the cluster "MBR-Network". The four projects amount to a total budget of ca. €15 million, for which ca. €9 million will be financed by the European Commission.

    The website is one task initiated by the projects AMEDEUS and EUROMBRA but it will not only provide detailed information on the four projects of the European cluster. It is in addition thought and designed as a communication and exchange platform dedicated to the worldwide MBR-community, which offers contacts to a large group of international MBR professionals and experts.

    In particular, the following free MBR related services will be offered online:
    - Data-base of companies and institutions
    - Data-base of articles, books and conference proceedings
    - Data-base of other European projects
    - List of international conferences, symposiums or seminars
    - Virtual discussion forum between members of the MBR-community

    Companies, institutions or private persons interested by or active in the field of MBR technology are invited to register online and to provide their data and relevant news or information to the MBR community through this website.

    Contacts for further information:

    Boris Lesjean, Project Co-ordination AMEDEUS
    Kompetenzzentrum Wasser Berlin gGmbH
    Cicerostr. 24, D-10709 Berlin

    TorOve Leiknes, Project Co-ordination EUROMBRA
    Dep. of Hydraulic and Environmental Engineering
    Norwegian University of Science and Technology
    N-7491 Trondheim, Norway

    Weitere Informationen:


    Merkmale dieser Pressemitteilung:
    Biologie, Informationstechnik, Maschinenbau, Werkstoffwissenschaften
    Forschungs- / Wissenstransfer, Forschungsprojekte



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