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19.06.2007 12:53

Tailoring Rights to Industries in Intellectual Property

Klaus P. Prem Presse - Öffentlichkeitsarbeit - Information
Universität Augsburg

    The University of Augsburg and the George Washington University, along with the Munich Intellectual Property Law Center (MIPLC), are offering an International IP Conference.

    This daylong conference examines to what extent the one-size-fits-all approach to innovation policy is no longer useful and asks whether we should instead consider tailoring rights to specific industries. The conference will take place on Friday, July 20, 2007 from 9:00 to 16:00 at the University of Augsburg School of Law (Universitätsstraße 24, 86159 Augsburg). It is directed towards intellectual property students and attorneys in the field. Senior management looking to increase their knowledge in the intellectual property area is also invited to attend.

    The central policy challenge for patent and copyright law in the twenty-first century is to maintain incentives to innovate while minimizing the social costs of one-size-fits-all intellectual property rights. Intellectual property law regulates innovation in a diverse array of industries, including, among many others, pharmaceuticals, software, and entertainment. Lawmakers in the US and the EU historically have assumed that identical incentives and exceptions will operate efficiently over these various fields.

    IP Law must take into account the differences from different industries

    The challenge arises because different types of innovators have different needs from the intellectual property system, and the costs of reallocating rights through licensing to adapt to these differences often are prohibitive. "The law then must take account of these differences," says Prof. Laura Bradford, the Interim Co-Director of the Intellectual Property Law Program at George Washington University Law School. "This is a difficult challenge because fully customized patents or copyrights are not feasible." A more realistic approach is to tailor the scope of rights for different industries, technologies or entities, as has been done to limited extent in TRIPS and in U.S. law. Recently, policymakers and scholars increasingly are proposing legislative or judicial measures. "That would alter the rights under patent or copyright law for a variety of fields, such as business methods, biotechnology, software, or digital media," explains Prof. Ulrich M. Gassner from the University of Augsburg School of Law.

    The European Regulation for the Pharma Industry: A Model Approach?

    Do the current EC methods of alternative patent protection for the pharmaceutical industry offer the optimal balance between generic drugs and developers? How does the US and EU approach toward regulating innovation across industries differ? "During the conference these questions will be answered in a shared discussion with practitioners in the field," adds Prof. Michael W. Carroll from the Villanova University School of Law. He alongside Prof. Michael Mireles from the University of Denver will be giving keynote presentations at the conference.

    An International Conference with Partners from the MIPLC

    A very-pleased Prof. Michael Kort, Dean of the Faculty of Law at the University of Augsburg, said, "We are very excited that we can offer the conference with our partners from the MIPLC. Because of this we are able to host students from the George Washington University Summer Program, which will concurrently be taking place at the University of Augsburg."

    The conference will be held in English. Participation costs for the conference will be 350 Euro. For members of the Alumni Associations of the University of Augsburg the participation costs will be 300 Euro.

    Further Information:


    RA Dr. Matthias Kober
    Program Director for Law
    Centre for Continuing Education and Knowledge Development (ZWW)
    Universität Augsburg, Universitätsstraße 16, 86159 Augsburg,
    Telephone: +49 (821) - 598 40 55
    Fax:+49 (821) - 598 14 40 55


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