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16.07.2007 16:05

Foundation Professorship for the Friedrich Schiller University in Jena

Axel Burchardt Referat Öffentlichkeitsarbeit
Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena

    Carl Zeiss AG and the Ernst Abbe Foundation promote research and education in the field of optical technologies

    (Jena) On 16 July 2007, Professor Dr. Jens Goebel, Minister of Culture in the German state of Thuringia and Chairman of the Ernst Abbe Foundation in Jena, and Dr. Michael Kaschke, Member of the Carl Zeiss AG Executive Board, presented the foundation certificate for the junior professorship "Advanced Computational Photonics" to the rector of the Friedrich Schiller University in Jena, Prof. Dr. Klaus Dicke. The foundation professorship will be sponsored equally by both partners with a total of 500,000 euros for a period of five years. It will be installed and immediately advertised at the Institute of Solid Body Theory and Optics of the Friedrich Schiller University in Jena. The junior professorship is integrated into the photonics area of the School of Physics and Astronomy. The focus of teaching activity will lie in the international master's course "Optics in Science and Technology" (

    Professor Goebel honored the dedication shown by the two sponsors: "Today's agreed support of research and education in the field of optical technologies lies fully in the tradition of Carl Zeiss and Ernst Abbe. This once again strengthens the network of science, research and commerce in Jena. With the creation of the foundation professorship, the Ernst Abbe Foundation is underlining its commitment to ensuring the high quality of research and teaching."

    Dr. Kaschke added: "As one of the leading companies in the field of optics, it is particularly important for Carl Zeiss to promote the training of up-and-coming scientists in the future-oriented field of photonics. With the application of innovative optical technologies, Carl Zeiss is contributing to the progress of humankind." The company also shows its commitment by taking part in joint research projects and by offering internships to young people.

    Professor Dicke expressed his thanks to the two sponsors: "This generous support will allow the Friedrich Schiller University to expand its teaching and research capabilities in the science and application of optics. And in the year before the university's 450th anniversary, this foundation professorship is a further example of a functioning public-private partnership in Jena."

    Contacts for the press:
    Carl Zeiss
    Carl-Zeiss-Promenade 10
    07745 Jena, Germany
    Gudrun Vogel
    Phone: +49 (0) 3641/ 642770
    Fax: +49 (0) 3641/ 642941


    (From the left) Minister of Culture Jens Goebel, Rector Klaus Dicke and the Member of the Carl Zeiss AG Executive Board Michael Kaschke.
    (From the left) Minister of Culture Jens Goebel, Rector Klaus Dicke and the Member of the Carl Zeiss ...
    Photo: Beatrice Obst/Carl Zeiss

    Merkmale dieser Pressemitteilung:
    Mathematik, Physik / Astronomie, Wirtschaft



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