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01.11.2007 14:56

The Danish Ministry of Science, Technology and Development supports innovation in ScanBalt BioRegion

Peter Frank General Secretary

    The Danish Ministry of Science, Technology and Development has decided to support ScanBalt with 120.000 DKK (Approx 15.850 Euro) to develop a project aiming to improve innovation within life sciences and biotechnology in the Baltic Sea Region - ScanBalt BioRegion.

    The Danish Ministry of Science, Technology and Development has decided to support ScanBalt with 120.000 DKK (Approx 15.850 Euro) to develop a project aiming to improve innovation within life sciences and biotechnology in the Baltic Sea Region - ScanBalt BioRegion. The project will develop a tool to measure the added economic value for society of ScanBalt BioRegion by applying indicators. In addition the model will indicate how ScanBalt BioRegion contributes to regional cohesion and solving problems of relevance for the populations in the Baltic Sea Region within health, environment, energy and nutrition.

    The project will suggest how to enhance and optimize the benefits of the innovation system. In particular it it will point towards fields of interest where cross-border collaboration leads to a maximum of positive impact on regional development ensuring sustainability.

    Hans-Robert Metelmann, Professor at Greifswald University, Chairman of ScanBalt, says "We are very happy for the grant from the Danish Ministry of Science, Technology and Development. We take it as a positive recognition of the work of ScanBalt and will do our outmost to live up to their expectations. ScanBalt BioRegion has the potential to make a difference for the people in the Baltic Sea Region. Just think of the possibilities within cancer prevention and cancer politics. Cross-border collaboration to prevent cancer may be an answer to some of the challenges we are facing due to life style related diseases. The grant may in addition have a positive influence on decisions of the Deutsche Wissenschaft Rat and Bundesverband der Deutsche Industrie".

    For further information please contact General Secretary Peter Frank at + 45 27141078,

    About ScanBalt BioRegion and ScanBalt
    ScanBalt BioRegion is composed of Life Science and biotechnology actors in the Nordic countries, Balticum, Poland, Northern part of Germany and North western Russia. The ScanBalt BioRegion have 11 countries and 85 million people, more than 60 universities and 2149 life science/biotech companies including 671 research based biotech SME´s.

    ScanBalt facilitates and co-ordinates regional and national efforts in ScanBalt BioRegion, enhances visibility and attracts human, industrial and financial resources. ScanBalt encompasses regional and national life science triple helix networks between companies, universities, hospitals, tech transfer organisations and public authorities.

    ScanBalt, Arne Jacobsens Alle 15, 2, 2300 Copenhagen S, Denmark, + 45 35 32 41 46

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    Merkmale dieser Pressemitteilung:
    Biologie, Ernährung / Gesundheit / Pflege, Informationstechnik, Medizin, Pädagogik / Bildung, Politik, Recht, Wirtschaft
    Forschungs- / Wissenstransfer, Organisatorisches



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