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09.10.2000 13:11

Sustainable development an tourism: quality tourism, heritage conservation and job creation

Jana Schmidt Pressestelle
Umweltbundesamt (UBA)

    Strasbourg, 05.10.2000 - An International Conference on "Sustainable tourism, environment and employment" will be held in Berlin from 11 to 13 October 2000. Organised in conjunction with the German Federal Environment Agency, it will focus on the activities of the numerous institutions working in tourism as well as the Council of Europe work on tourism and natural and cultural heritage preservation.

    The conference is one of the numerous events featured in the Council of Europe campaign "Europe, a common heritage", running until the end of the year all over Europe and aimed at promoting Europe's rich natural and cultural heritage and its identifying values, which are a factor of social cohesion.

    The Conference will be opened by Gila Altmann, Secretary of State for the Environment to the Bundestag, in the presence of representatives of the German authorities responsible for the environment, natural and cultural heritage, tourism and employment.

    The "Tourism, environment and employment" conference will provide a platform for speakers from many different backgrounds: senior officials from ministries responsible for tourism in European countries, representatives of national parliaments, professional tourism organisations, the tourism and hotel industry, managers of heavily frequented protected areas, specialists in new tourism skills training, consultants in the sphere of tourism, employment and human resources etc.

    The Council of Europe has been pressing for many years for the development of all forms of sustainable tourism in Europe, with special emphasis on the countries of central and eastern Europe, where tourism has developed particularly rapidly in recent years.

    Through its numerous recommendations to member state governments, pilot studies, technical assistance to the countries of central and eastern Europe and specifically targeted activities run by its Group of specialists on "tourism and environment", the Council has pushed for the adoption of sustainable development policies applied to the tourism industry, both in vulnerable and protected areas and throughout Europe as a whole.

    Its concern is to preserve the natural and cultural environment which generally serves as a basis for tourism development and above all to ensure that any development is in keeping with the Council of Europe's values: respect for the individual, social cohesion, local development, preservation of regional and local cultures, and biological and landscape diversity.

    The Conference will be held at the Hotel Sorat, Berlin, from Wednesday 11 October (start time 5 pm) to Friday 13 October 2000. It is open to the press.

    A press conference will be held at the Hotel Sorat on 12 October at 1 pm.

    For further information:

    Strasbourg Council of Europe - Hélène Bouguessa, Division of Environment and Sustainable Development, F-67075 Strasbourg, Tel. +33 (0)3 88 41 22 64, Fax +33 (0)3 88 41 27 15, e-mail:

    Berlin Umweltbundesamt - Christa Morawa / Dagmar Larws, Postfach 33 00 22, D-14191 Berlin, Tel. +49 30 89 03 21 52, Fax +49 30 89 03 28 90, e-mail:


    Merkmale dieser Pressemitteilung:
    Biologie, Meer / Klima, Umwelt / Ökologie, Verkehr / Transport, Wirtschaft
    Buntes aus der Wissenschaft, Wissenschaftliche Tagungen



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