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21.10.2009 11:55

Jena's 100th partner university is in Taiwan

Axel Burchardt Referat Öffentlichkeitsarbeit
Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena

    Rector of Jena University signs three cooperational agreements on Asia journey

    Jena (21/10/09) The Asian market is going through a fundamental change, so does the field of education. This was experienced by the rector of the Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena (FSU), Prof. Dr. Klaus Dicke, on his 10-day journey through Taiwan and Japan. There, he signed three new cooperational agreements with universities in Taiwan concerning the exchange of students and lecturers.

    "Asia in general and Taiwan in particular go through a phase of reorientation, moving away from industrial processing towards services", explains Dicke. With it comes a reorientation regarding cooperational relationships. So far, the United States have been in the centre of attention, now Europe becomes more and more important. "Germany enjoys a certain priority, especially because of its natural, engineering and social sciences", Jena's rector continues. Taiwan's universities are not only facing the pressure of competition with China, but there is also a strong sense of rivalry among the universities themselves. That is why these universities are very well equipped nowadays. "So, the new cooperations, which are based on already existing contacts, will be worthwhile for our students and lecturers", Dicke is sure. At the same time, the courses offered at Jena University are very attractive for Taiwanese students. The number of 16 students enrolled at the FSU today will surely rise in the future.

    In particular, Prof. Dicke signed agreements with the Fu Jen Catholic University, the National Chung Cheng University in Taipeh and the National Tsing Hua University in Hsinchu. Fu Jen University, which is now Jena's 100th partner university, was founded in 1961 as a Catholic university under the maintenance of the Vatican. Only one percent of its 27.000 students are Catholic, however. The existing cooperations with the school of law and the institute for intercultural business communication are to be completed by physics, economics and business administration as well as medicine.

    Chung Cheng University is a young and uprising comprehensive university. There have already been contracts between the schools of law as well as contacts with the German studies department. Besides these subjects, the "Laboratory Enlightenment" and the Jena Graduate Academy (GA) will be in the focus of the new cooperation. The GA's model for doctoral education was met with great interest.

    The university in Hsinchu belongs to the top 100 universities in the Asian-pacific world. The National Tsing Hua University is very strong in natural sciences but is provided with a wide range of subjects in the arts and social sciences as well. Accordingly, they wish to exchange students and work with scientists from Jena.

    "I was enthusiastic about the way Taiwanese universities combine tradition and innovation", says Prof. Dicke. He mentions a programme "which allows to perform the art of calligraphy in a considerable manner on the computer."

    There have been cooperational agreements with the Japanese universities of Meiji and Reitaku in Tokyo for a long time. When visiting them, the rector was impressed by "how excellent these cooperations are working". For 20 years the Friedrich-Schiller-University has been partner of the Reitaku University, which is now celebrating its 50th anniversary. "This long-term unity is very much obvious. There, nobody needs to explain what the Friedrich-Schiller-University is. And, three students from Jena came across saying hello to me as if it were the most natural thing in the world", the rector says, pleased with that, and stresses: "We have excellent partners in Japan and Taiwan, and we will do anything to cultivate and extend these contacts".

    Dr. Jürgen Hendrich
    International Office
    Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena
    Fürstengraben 1
    07743 Jena
    Tel.: +49 3641 931160
    Email: aaa[at]

    Weitere Informationen:


    After signing the agreement with Fu Jen Catholic University: Jenas Rector Klaus Dicke (r.) and Fu Jen Vice President, Michael Kwo, PhD.
    After signing the agreement with Fu Jen Catholic University: Jenas Rector Klaus Dicke (r.) and Fu Je ...
    Photo: private

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