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01.12.2009 14:44

The "International Max Planck Research School for Organismal Biology" is ready for launch

Dr. Sabine Spehn Presse- und Öffentlichkeitsarbeit
Max-Planck-Institut für Ornithologie

    The new "International Max Planck Research School for Organismal Biology", located in Konstanz, Germany, will be accepting applications until January 15, 2009. The 10 best applicants will start their Ph.D. studies in April with the beginning of the summer term. All students share a common passion for investigating the interrelations between different organisms as well as their relation to their environment.

    25 internationally renowned scientists from both locations of the Max Planck Institute for Ornithology, Seewiesen and Radolfzell, and the Excellence University of Konstanz collaborate at the IMPRS. This cooperation opens up a wide range of research and study opportunities to graduates. The participating scientists from all over the world can pass on the accumulated knowledge of their many years of research to the young scientists. The students will be involved in ongoing research and will study theoretical and experimental aspects of current projects. The IMPRS offers their students outstanding support. Rather than having just one mentor, as is the case at many institutions, the successful candidate will have a complete team of experienced professionals at their side. This team will consist of at least three scientists from both institutes.

    Apart from these benefits, it is really the teaching that distinguishes the program from a regular graduate education in Germany. The Research School offers a special teaching program consisting of lectures, seminars and workshops. The students will also have further opportunities to acquire important knowledge and abilities for their future career. For example, there are courses on statistics or scientific publishing. The spoken language of the school is English. The graduates meet frequently to share information and to get to know the different projects. Not only is the networking important, the students will gain experience in scientific exchange. Foreign graduates will have the chance to participate in language courses.

    Internationality is important for the Research School. "We are very much interested in having excellent researchers working on our projects, that is why we look for scientists from all over the world" says Martin Wikelski, one of the directors of the Max Planck Institutes for Ornithology, Professor at the University of Konstanz and spokesman for the IMPRS. The effects will be mutually beneficial for the institute and the students. The students will benefit from the international network whilst the institutes will be invigorated by the influx of new ideas and perspectives contributed by their international students.

    Dr. Daniel Piechowski
    IMPRS Coordinator
    Phone: +49 (0)7531 88-4916

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