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28.02.2002 16:24

Evidenzbasierte Medizin: Irland erwirbt Länderlizenz für Cochrane Library

Dr. Ilka Suelmann Geschäftsstelle
Deutsches Netzwerk Evidenzbasierte Medizin e.V.

    Für die Nutzung der umfangreichsten Datenbank zu Fragen der Wirksamkeit von Interventionen in der Medizin, der Cochrane Library, ist erstmals eine Landeslizenz vergeben worden. Irland stellt die von der Cochrane Collaboration entwickelt Evidenzquelle als erstes Land allen Einwohnern institutionsunabhängig zur Verfügung (siehe nachfolgende Presseerklärung), Norwegen und Finnland werden diesem Beispiel in Kürze folgen.

    Information from one of the world's most respected electronic health libraries, is now available, free of charge, to anyone in Ireland who has access to the internet.
    Minister for Health, Social Services and Public Safety, Ms Bairbre de Brún and Minister for Health and Children, Micheál Martin, today announced a unique agreement which will allow anyone in Ireland with an Internet connection to access the Cochrane Library from their own computer.
    Welcoming the initiative, Minister de Brún said: "This is a very welcome and important development. Making quality health information available to the general public in an easily accessible way is a key priority for both Minister Martin and myself." Minister Martin said: "Anyone on the island of Ireland with access to the Internet will now be able to use what is regarded as the world's best single source of evidence on the effects of different forms of health care."
    The agreement has been reached between the Cochrane Collaboration, which prepares the information in the library, Update Software, which is responsible for publishing it, the Health Research Board in Dublin and the Research & Development Office, in Belfast. This is the first time that access to the Cochrane Library has been made widely available to Internet users in any country in the world.
    The Cochrane Library is produced through the work of the Cochrane Collaboration, an international organisation that prepares and maintains systematic reviews of the effects of health care interventions. The Collaboration includes more than 6500 people (mostly volunteers) in over 60 countries, including the island of Ireland.
    The Library is the world's most authoritative source of information on the effectiveness of interventions for the prevention, treatment and rehabilitation of all health conditions. Cochrane reviews provide systematic, up-to-date summaries of the possible benefits and harms of health care, which help people make practical decisions about their care and that of others.
    Ministers de Brún and Martin also announced a fellowship scheme to be awarded on an all-island basis to encourage interested people to undertake systematic reviews for the Cochrane Collaboration. Four fellowships will be awarded this year by the Health Research Board and the R&D Office. An all-Ireland Cochrane Library Prize will also be awarded every year for the best use of the evidence in the Cochrane Library to change health care on the island of Ireland.
    Dr Mike Clarke of the Cochrane Collaboration's international Steering Group said: "We are delighted that the Cochrane Library will be available to everyone on the island of Ireland. We look forward to other countries following this important and exciting lead."

    For further information contact:
    Cochrane Collaboration
    Dr Mike Clarke
    Tel.: +44-(0)1865-516300;

    Weitere Kontaktmöglichkeit in Deutschland:
    Deutsches Cochrane Zentrum
    Dr. Gerd Antes
    Tel.: O761/2036706;

    Weitere Informationen:


    Merkmale dieser Pressemitteilung:
    Biologie, Ernährung / Gesundheit / Pflege, Informationstechnik, Medien- und Kommunikationswissenschaften, Medizin
    Studium und Lehre, Wissenschaftspolitik



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