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16.02.2015 11:54

A strong start: ERC funding success for Helmholtz in Horizon 2020

Jan-Martin Wiarda Kommunikation und Medien
Hermann von Helmholtz-Gemeinschaft Deutscher Forschungszentren

    The Helmholtz Association has achieved unprecedented success in the European Research Council’s first Horizon 2020 call for proposals: a total of 16 grants from the Starting Grants and Consolidator Grants funding schemes have been awarded to Helmholtz researchers.

    “This is a very positive result for the Helmholtz Association. It underlines once again how well our researchers are performing on the European stage,” says Helmholtz President Jürgen Mlynek, explaining how the ERC funding offers an attractive opportunity for outstanding young researchers to develop their research profiles and careers. “We will therefore continue to encourage and support their applications for ERC grants in the future.”
    In the most recent call for proposals, seven Starting Grants and nine Consolidator Grants were given to researchers at Helmholtz Centres. This is an onward success regarding the nine grants that Helmholtz was able to obtain from these two funding schemes in the last call for proposals for Horizon 2020’s predecessor, the Seventh Framework Programme for Research (FP7).
    The ERC Starting Grants are aimed at young researchers who completed their doctorate two to seven years ago. These grants have now been awarded, in Horizon 2020, to Forschungszentrum Jülich and MDC (two grants each) as well as to DESY, DKFZ and Helmholtz Zentrum München (one grant each). Helmholtz has thus made a significant contribution to Germany’s performance as compared to other countries. Germany is at the top for the first time with 70 Starting Grants, followed by the UK with 55 and France with 43. The grants each provide funding of up to €2 million for five years.

    The Consolidator Grants are for more experienced young researchers, seven to twelve years following their doctorate. The grants enable them to build on their experience and consolidate their ideas. The nine Consolidator Grants in the first call for proposals were given to DESY, DKFZ and GFZ (two grants each) as well as to DZNE, Helmholtz Zentrum Berlin and the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (one grant each). This funding scheme gives researchers up to €2.75 million per project.

    Helmholtz already performed outstandingly throughout the EU’s Seventh Framework Programme for Research, which ran from 2007 to 2013. A total of 35 Starting and Consolidator Grants went to the Helmholtz Association, along with 14 Advanced Grants and one Synergy Grant. With these 50 grants, Helmholtz is one of the top research associations in terms of ERC funding.

    For more information:

    The Helmholtz Association contributes to solving major challenges facing society, science and the economy with top scientific achievements in six research fields: Energy, Earth and Environment, Health, Key Technologies, Structure of Matter, Aeronautics, Space and Transport. With 37.000 employees in 18 research centres and an annual budget of approximately 3.99 billion euros, the Helmholtz Association is Germany’s largest scientific organisation. Its work follows in the tradition of the great natural scientist Hermann von Helmholtz (1821-1894).

    Contacts for the Media:
    Kristine August
    Press Officer Communication and Media Relations
    Tel.: +32 25000971

    Jan-Martin Wiarda
    Head Communications and Media Relations
    Tel.: 030 206 329-54
    Communication and Media

    Office Berlin
    Anna-Louisa-Karsch-Str. 2
    10178 Berlin

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