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06.05.2003 11:43

EuroAccessibility - 24 europäische Organisationen arbeiten gemeinsam für barrierefreies Internet

Alex Deeg PR und Marketing
Fraunhofer-Institut für Angewandte Informationstechnik FIT

    Evaluation, technische Unterstützung and Zertifizierung nach internationalen Richtlinien stehen im Mittelpunkt des gemeinsamen Projekts EuroAccessibility.

    Das Fraunhofer-Institut für Angewandte Informationstechnik und 23 weitere europäische Organisationen aus 12 Ländern, alle engagiert für die Schaffung eines möglichst barriere-freien Internet, und die Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI) des internationalen World Wide Web-Konsortiums (W3C) haben sich auf das Projekt EuroAccessibility verständigt. In einem 'Memorandum of Understanding' haben sie die Grundregeln ihrer Zusammenarbeit festgelegt. Ihr Ziel ist es, europaweit einheitliche Unterstützung für barrierefreies Internet-Design anzubieten. Dazu gehören eine gemeinsame Methodik für die Prüfung auf Barrierefreiheit, technische Hilfestellung und eine europäische Zertifizierungsinstanz für Barrierefreiheit.

    Web site in Vorbereitung:

    Kontakt in Deutschland:
    Fraunhofer-Institut für Angewandte Informationstechnik FIT
    Kompetenzzentrum Barrierefreie Informations- und Kommunikationstechnologie für Alle (BIKA)
    Herr Dr. Carlos A. Velasco, Herr Yehya Mohamad
    Schloss Birlinghoven, 53754 Sankt Augustin
    Tel: 0 22 41/14-28 46, Fax: 0 22 41/14-20 65

    Projektdetails aus der gemeinsamen (englischen) Erklärung der 24 Partner:
    All the signatories of the Memorandum of Understanding consider that equal access to Web is a key factor in the inclusion of people with disabilities in the society.

    They also observe that:
    * the W3C/WAI guidelines, which address accessibility of Web sites, browsers and media players, and authoring tools, may be promoted and implemented differently in different countries,
    * there is no harmonised methodology for their application and for assessing the quality of Web sites,
    * several "labels" are emerging over Europe,
    * governmental organisations express the need of a guarantee of quality concerning Web accessibility,
    * the Council Resolution on "eAccessibility" - improving the access of people with disabilities to the Knowledge Based Society (doc. 5165/03), under section II, paragraph 2, letter a, calls on the member states and invites the Commission "to consider the provision of an "eAccessibility mark" for goods and services which comply with relevant standards for eAccessibility".

    Consequently, the signatories want to join their efforts in order to:
    * co-ordinate with W3C/WAI to develop testing methodology based on the W3C/WAI Web Content Accessibility Guidelines,
    * set up a common certification methodology,
    * create an Accessibility Quality Mark based on common rules,
    * develop an harmonised set of supporting services over Europe, based on a network,
    * set up regional consulting desks,
    * disseminate good practices, and
    * establish a certification authority for Web Accessibility.

    In setting up this project, the signatories expect to:
    * contribute to reinforce the European co-operation toward the full accessibility of e-services based on the W3C/WAI guidelines,
    * avoid the risks of fragmentation of the WAI outcomes, and finally to
    * significantly increase the number of accessible Web sites.

    The 24 European organisations are:
    AbilityNet Ltd (UK), Accessibility Foundation (Netherlands), Accessinmind Ltd (UK), ASPHI (Association for the Develop-ment of ITC Projects for people with disabilities, Italy), Blin-densorg Licht en Liefde (Belgium), ONA (Belgium), BrailleNet (France), Cellule Wall-On-Line (Belgium), AEGEAN (The Department of Product and Systems Design Engineering of the University, Greece), European Blind Union, Fraunhofer Institute for Applied Information Technology FIT (Germany), France Telecom R&D (France), IBM Europe, Linz University (Austria), Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (Belgium), KFKI Research Institute for Particle and Nuclear Physics (Hungary), Palo Alto (Belgium), RINCE (Ireland), RNIB (Royal National Institute for the Blind, UK), RNID (Royal National Institute for Deaf People, UK), Fundación Sidar - Acceso Universal (Spain), Fundosa Teleservicios S.A (Spain), Videncenter for Synshandicap (Visual Impairment Knowledge Centre, Denmark), Web for All (Germany).

    Weitere Informationen:


    Merkmale dieser Pressemitteilung:
    Gesellschaft, Informationstechnik, Medien- und Kommunikationswissenschaften
    Forschungsprojekte, Wissenschaftspolitik



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