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27.04.2015 14:29

Research centre CTR annual report: R&D volume tops €7 million for first time in 2014

Mag Birgit Rader-Brunner F&E Kommunikation
CTR Carinthian Tech Research AG

    Carinthia’s non-university research centre, CTR Carinthian Tech Research, continued on a growth curve in 2014 with a 10 per cent rise in research volume, expansion of the team to 60 people and a further increase in R&D Partners and scientific publications.

    The 2014 annual report shows that the strategy CTR has been pursuing is having an impact: in addition to further strategic cooperation being initiated, both technology expertise and research facilities are being developed and expanded.

    In 2014, CTR’s R&D operating income rose by 10 per cent to €7.5 million. Not only was there an increase in research projects awarded grants (+11%) but also in contract research that does not receive any funding (+28%). The market success achieved of over 88 per cent testifies to the high demand for the centre’s research services on the one hand and on the other to the efficient use of the human and material resources available.

    Reflecting the increase in research volume, the research team also grew accordingly to 60. The recruiting process again resulted in outstanding researchers being attracted to Carinthia. What is also encouraging is the evidence of scientific excellence in the form of 83 publications and considerable international attendance at the CTR SAW Sensor Symposium No fewer than 34 young scientists were involved in internships, dissertations and theses, with every third junior research position at CTR being filled by a young female researcher.

    With research focusing on smart sensors, CTR has long been geared towards operating in a growing market. In addition to long-standing research partners such as AVL List, Infineon Technology Austria and Villach’s frontrunner TIPS Messtechnik, 2014 saw other key partners coming on board, including ABB, AT&S, Lam Research, OSRAM and EPCOS. On the scientific side, the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne (EPFL) was among those to join the existing network consisting of the universities of technology in Vienna, Graz and Linz and Klagenfurt University. What primarily helped to expand the network was the recently approved COMET K1 Competence Centre: ASSIC – Austrian Smart Systems Integration Research Centre Evaluated by international experts, CTR again succeeded in initiating an Austrian COMET centre of excellence with ASSIC and the research focus on system integration. The COMET centre’s objective is to provide excellent, internationally visible research together with science and industry over a period of eight years in the areas of microsystems technology, heterointegration and system integration. Funded by the federal (Ministries of Transport, Innovation and Technology, and of Science, Research and Economy) and regional governments in Carinthia and Styria, the new ASSIC started its research in January 2015.

    The foundations for further growth were laid in 2014 when Villach’s technology park was expanded to become the High Tech Campus. After the first building phase, scheduled for completion in autumn 2015, CTR will have an area of 3,000 sq m with state-of-the-art infrastructure, such as research cleanroom, laboratory, analysis and testing facilities. It will thus be able to meet the demands of research at an international level and of scientific excellence even more effectively. Given that the growth path adopted also requires huge investment on the part of the research centre, ongoing support from the stakeholders and funding bodies is an important factor in being able to implement the medium-term strategy successfully.

    “With CTR as a research centre for smart sensors and the ASSIC centre of excellence concentrating on system integration, we have a unique selling point in Austria in terms of technology of international relevance,” says chief executive officer Dr Werner Scherf. “As a result, products and processes are becoming safer, smarter and more effective.” Chief financial officer Simon Grasser MBA adds that “growth shows how attractive the research and development services we provide are on the market. The increase in research volume is also an indicator of our partners’ potential for innovation in science and industry.” Both managers are optimistic about the future: “Our focus on smart sensors and the integration of micro and nano systems means we are well placed to deal with emerging challenges such as Industry 4.0 and the Internet of Things.”

    As a research centre for smart sensor systems and system integration, CTR ranks among the leading non-university research facilities in Austria. Its mission and goal is to develop advanced products and processes based on integrated sensors, micro and nano systems. Together with companies in the electronics, processing and automotive industries, medical technology suppliers and universities, the 60 staff research into forward-looking innovations. Established in 1997, CTR has filed over 75 patents to date, conducts research in regional, national and international R&D projects and is a member of FORSCHUNG AUSTRIA
    If you wish to receive a printed copy of the 2014 annual report, we will be happy to send you one. Please send your request with contact details to

    Weitere Informationen:


    CTR has specialised in smart sensors and system integration of micro and nano technologies.
    CTR has specialised in smart sensors and system integration of micro and nano technologies.
    ©CTR/Hannes Kohlmeier

    From left: Simon Grasser MBA, management (CFO) and Dr Werner Scherf, management (CEO/CTO)
    From left: Simon Grasser MBA, management (CFO) and Dr Werner Scherf, management (CEO/CTO)
    ©CTR/Helge Bauer

    Merkmale dieser Pressemitteilung:
    Journalisten, Wirtschaftsvertreter
    Elektrotechnik, Physik / Astronomie
    Forschungs- / Wissenstransfer, Forschungsergebnisse



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