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26.11.2015 14:43

Prof. Dr. Andreas Zaby is the new President of the Berlin School of Economics and Law

Sylke Schumann Presse- und Öffentlichkeitsarbeit
Hochschule für Wirtschaft und Recht Berlin

    The Academic Senate of the Berlin School of Economics and Law (BSEL) voted in Prof. Dr. Andreas Zaby as the new President on November 24, 2015. He received 17 out of 19 votes. Prof. Zaby, who had held the office of Deputy President for Studies and International Affairs of the BSEL, will take over the office of President from retiring Prof. Dr. Bernd Reissert on April 1, 2016.

    Extending BSEL’s leading position among Berlin’s universities in internationalization, continued education and corporate partnering will be part of the new president’s focus. “BSEL is a multi-faceted academic center of excellence with a strong international and practice-oriented approach, offering an interdisciplinary and academically demanding education”, says Prof. Zaby and refers to the cooperative programs, the capability for offering not only the whole range of business programs but also courses in law, administrative- and social sciences, in police and security management, administration of justice and technology.

    Prof. Zaby will emphasize BSEL’s practice orientation, wants more master’s degree programs and intends to strengthen its well-established strong internationalization with further strategic partnerships. “The BSEL will contribute to Berlin’s continued development by teaching and research, but also by its innovative entrepreneurial role, its use of eLearning and removal of educational barriers”, says Prof. Zaby.

    Zaby, born in 1968, has been a member of the BSEL’s administrative team since 2010. The professor for International Management joined the BSEL in 2008. Before that he served as chief financial officer of a bio-pharmaceutical company in Munich and Chapel Hill, USA. Prior to this position he worked as strategy consultant in Munich and Zurich. He studied Business Administration in Bayreuth and San Diego, California, and after graduation was scientific assistant at the Friedrich-Schiller University of Jena, Germany, where he received his doctoral degree at the Department of International Management. Prof. Zaby is married and has three children.

    At the beginning of November 2015 the Academic Senate of the BSEL had also nominated Prof. Dr. Christiane Dienel as co-applicant for the office of President, whose application had also been confirmed by the Board of Trustees.

    Berlin School of Economics and Law
    The School for Economics and Law Berlin with over 10 000 students is one of the big universities of applied sciences with a pronounced interest in practical orientation, intensive and multi-faceted research, high quality standards as well as a strong international outlook. The BSEL portfolio provides a wide range of professional qualifications for the private and public sector in the fields of management in economics, administration, law and security, as well as engineering, offering over 50 programs leading to bachelor’s, master’s, and MBA degrees. The BSEL is now partnering with close to 160 universities in all continents and is a member of the ‘UAS7-Alliance for Excellence’. It ranks number one in international orientation for bachelor’s programs in business according to the ranking of the CHE Center for University Development (ZEIT Study Guide 2014/15), holding first position ahead of all other universities of applied sciences and universities. It also enjoys a top position in the master’s degree programs (ZEIT CAMPUS, December edition 2014/2015). The BSEL also supports the initiative of the Conference of University Presidents for ‘Open-minded Universities – Against Xenophobia’.

    Contact for Journalists
    Sylke Schumann
    Press Spokeswoman
    Hochschule für Wirtschaft und Recht Berlin / Berlin School of Economics and Law phone: +49 (0)30 30877-1220

    Weitere Informationen:


    Prof. Dr. Andreas Zaby, New President of the Berlin School of Economics and Law (BSEL)
    Prof. Dr. Andreas Zaby, New President of the Berlin School of Economics and Law (BSEL)
    Photo: Dr. Cordia Schlegelmilch

    Merkmale dieser Pressemitteilung:
    Journalisten, Wirtschaftsvertreter, Wissenschaftler



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