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22.12.2016 12:23

Rector Prof. Dr. Johanna Weber Re-Elected

Jan Meßerschmidt Presse- und Informationsstelle
Ernst-Moritz-Arndt-Universität Greifswald

    On the 21st December 2016 the Senate of the University of Greifswald’s confirmed Professor Dr. Johanna Weber in office. She was re-elected for a further four years in the part of the Senate’s session which was open to all members of the University. Professor Weber accepted the election. Her second term of office starts officially on the 1st April 2017.

    “I’m delighted to have been re-elected for a second term of office and am looking forward to working together with all members of the University to continue to make the University of Greifswald well-known as a small, excellent location for research and teaching,” said Rector Prof. Johanna Weber immediately after her re-election.

    The Chairwoman of the Academic Senate, Prof. Dr. Maria-Theresia Schafmeister, assured the re-elected Rector all the necessary support from the Senate in order to continue to lead the University successfully through the world of academia and academic politics.

    Professor Johanna Weber was born in Plaidt, in Rheinland-Pfalz. She studied Journalism and Psychology at the Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz. After completing her Diplom in Psychology, she worked as a research and teaching assistant and then as postdoctoral fellow and senior lecturer at the Chair of Personality Psychology and Psychological Diagnostics at the University of Bamberg. She gained her PhD in 1987 and habilitation in 1992.

    She has been Chair of Differential and Personality Psychology and Psychological Diagnostics at the University of Greifswald since 1994. In autumn 2012 she was elected as the first female Rector in the history of the University of Greifswald. Her first term of office began at the end of January 2013. Johanna Weber has been Vice President of the German Rectors’ Conference and Spokeswoman of the Association of North German Universities since 2014.

    Contact at the University of Greifswald
    University of Greifswald
    Press and Media Relations Office
    Domstraße 11, 17489 Greifswald
    Tel.: +3834 86 1150
    Fax: +3834 86 1151

    Weitere Informationen:


    The Chairwoman of the Senate, Prof. Dr. Maria-Theresia Schafmeister (left) and Rector Prof. Dr. Johanna Weber after the election
    The Chairwoman of the Senate, Prof. Dr. Maria-Theresia Schafmeister (left) and Rector Prof. Dr. Joha ...
    Foto: Jan Meßerschmidt

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