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03.05.2017 14:39

Dresden’s cutting-edge research enthrals London

Kim-Astrid Magister Pressestelle
Technische Universität Dresden

    Expanding the research partnership between Dresden and London scientists

    What motivates Londoners to familiarise themselves with science from Dresden?
    A fascinating, mesmerising exhibition of scientific projects that aims at tackling today’s most pressing problems and challenges!

    On 3 May, the DRESDEN-concept science exhibition was inaugurated at Guy’s Campus of the renowned King’s College London. “Right in the heart of London, exhibits from Dresden are on display that present leading research in a way which is accessible and comprehensible to everyone. The exhibition is directed at scientists and non-scientists alike, for adults as well as for children”, delights TU Dresden’s Rector and Chairman of DRESDEN-concept, Professor Hans Müller-Steinhagen during the opening event. “Find out about breakthroughs in cancer therapy, experience the future of the Tactile Internet, or touch and feel ultra-lightweight concrete. This concrete is reinforced with carbon and will revolutionise the construction industry. The exhibition is complemented by numerous scientific events and symposia.”

    The opening event was also attended by Saxon State Minister for Higher Education, Research and the Arts, Dr Eva-Maria Stange, Mayor Dirk Hilbert, TU Dresden’s Rectorial Board and various directors of the DRESDEN-concept institutes. Numerous representatives of KCL’s management board were also in attendance. The exhibition will be on display on Guy’s Campus of the renowned King’s College London until 26 May 2017.

    Last year, the large-scale science exhibition, located in Dresden’s Neumarkt Square in front of Frauenkirche, successfully displayed the key research focuses of DRESDEN-concept.

    The exhibition brings science made in Dresden closer to a broad audience and informs about the newest research results in diverse science areas such as Biomedicine & Bioengineering, Information Technology & Microelectronics, Materials & Structures and Culture & Societal Change. The overwhelming, positive feedback regarding the science exhibition has inspired the DRESDEN-concept alliance to present Dresden-based science on an international stage. The opening of the science exhibition at King’s College London launches its “international tour”. In September, the exhibition will continue its tour in Wrocław before moving ahead to Prague in 2018.

    Different scientific formats such as panel discussions, workshops and keynote lectures throughout the entire exhibition period stimulate the exchange between students, young researchers and scientists. Polymers, regenerative medicine, museum work and simulations are just a few examples of the topics of lectures held at King’s College London. The series of events takes place within the existing transCampus partnership. It is a university partnership between the University of Excellence, TU Dresden, and King’s College London, which started in the field of medicine and is now being expanded to other scientific areas at TU Dresden and the DRESDEN-concept partner institutions.

    “Especially in view of current developments, it is our key concern to further expand and intensify the academic co-operation with British science institutions”, emphasises Prof. Müller-Steinhagen.

    What is DRESDEN-concept?
    DRESDEN-concept is an alliance of TUD with strong partners from science and culture, among others, Max-Planck, Fraunhofer, Leibniz and Helmholtz institutions. All 24 partners share the aim of making the excellence of Dresden-based research visible. In particular, this means that the partners exploit and utilise common synergy potentials in research, training, infrastructure, administration and transfer. To this end, they co-ordinate their science strategy and identify the areas of science in which Dresden is internationally leading. The partners work together in order to attract globally top-ranking scientists to Dresden and to strengthen their ties to the local science hub.

    What is transCampus?
    TransCampus is, throughout Europe, the first joint campus of two universities in two different countries. The pooling of expertise and resources of both universities opens up enhanced funding opportunities for cutting-edge research, which makes transCampus a magnet for scientists and students far beyond the borders of Europe and a model and pioneer for other large universities. The alliance achieved its first successes in the area of medicine: In islet, kidney, as well as bone marrow transplantation, transCampus London - Dresden is regarded one of the major transplant centres worldwide. Now, the initiative envisages to strategically develop further projects in medicine and biotechnology, engineering, natural sciences and humanities. Londoners are thrilled by DRESDEN-concept’s basic principle of a combination of university and non-university research institutions as well as institutions of art and culture. This forms an integral part of transCampus.

    Media Inquiries:
    Sonja Piotrowski
    PR & Marketing DRESDEN-concept
    TU Dresden
    Phone: +49 351 463 40428

    Kim-Astrid Magister
    Press Officer
    TU Dresden
    Phone: +49 351 463 32398

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