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20.09.2017 12:16

Until Death Do Us Part – Aunts Sacrifice Themselves for the Offspring of Their Sisters

Jan Meßerschmidt Presse- und Informationsstelle
Ernst-Moritz-Arndt-Universität Greifswald

    In one species of social spiders, unmated females sacrifice themselves for the offspring of other females. They help with the arduous care of the youngsters and in the end are consumed by the offspring. This has been discovered during an investigation performed by the University of Greifswald, in close cooperation with the University of Aarhus in Denmark. The study’s results have recently been published in the international journal "Animal Behaviour".

    Social spiders live together in nests, with several hundred of their own kind. In such a nest, the animals work together to catch prey and build webs. Mothers with offspring even help each other out with the arduous care of each other’s young. They guard the egg sacs for several weeks and provide the hatched young with regurgitated food. Nonetheless, they are eaten by the growing offspring in the end.

    What’s the background? More than half of the females of a colony remain unmated, because males are rare and have short lifespans. Therefore these unmated females do not reproduce. Up until now it was presumed that these females only help to catch prey and build webs, as only females who are at the stage of maternal care, are able to regurgitate. This is true for spider species that do not live in groups.

    Two doctoral candidates at the partner universities of Greifswald and Aarhus investigated this theory on the African social spider Stegodyphus dumicola. The researchers put groups of mated and unmated females together and examined which females carry out the tasks of maternal care and capture of prey. It turned out that not only the mothers cared for their young, but also the unmated animals. These ‘aunts’ not only provide the offspring of other females with regurgitated food, but also allow themselves to be eaten by the offspring.

    But why do unmated females look after the offspring of other females and also sacrifice their lives? This question can be answered by looking at how the females are related to one another. Social groups are usually created by only one single mother and her offspring, which then interbreed. Thus, over the course of several generations, a community with an exceptionally high degree of kinship is created. The unmated females therefore actually help their sisters with the raising of their offspring. By successfully rearing her nieces and nephews, the aunt passes on her genes to the next generation. The so-called kin selection increases the evolutionary overall fitness of the unmated females and explains how this seemingly selfless behaviour was able to evolve from an evolutionary aspect and has survived.

    The researchers also discovered that the tasks performed by the mothers and the aunts varied slightly: Mothers invest more time in maternal care and aunts do more of the prey catching. This insight suggests that although unpaired females can carry out all of the tasks in the nest, including the suicidal raising of the offspring, they tend to do more of the risky prey catching, whilst mothers do more of the maternal care inside the protected spun webs of the nest.

    Further Information
    Journal Animal Behaviour
    Original Publication "Extreme allomaternal care and unequal task participation by unmated females in a cooperatively breeding spider"

    Photo downloads available here: Medienfotos [de]

    Contacts at the University of Greifswald:

    Zoological Institute and Museum
    Department of General and Systematic Zoology
    Loitzer Straße 26, 17489 Greifswald, Germany

    Anja Junghanns
    Tel.: +49 3834 420 4281

    Prof. Dr Gabriele Uhl
    Tel.: +49 3834 420 4242

    Contact at the University of Aarhus:

    Department of Bioscience – Genetics, Ecology and Evolution
    Prof. Dr. Trine Bilde
    Ny Munkegade 116/building 1540, 224
    8000 Aarhus C, Denmark


    Merkmale dieser Pressemitteilung:
    Journalisten, jedermann
    Buntes aus der Wissenschaft



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