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01.10.2003 11:26

Love and Hate in the Construction of Roma Identity in Bulgaria

Britta Weber M. A. Pressestelle
Kulturwissenschaftliches Institut

    Ein Vortrag von Dr. Ilona Tomova (Bulgarian Academy of Science) am 08. Oktober 2003, um 18:15 Uhr,
    im Kulturwissenschaftlichen Institut, Goethestr. 31, 45128 Essen

    Since the end of 18th century Roma ethnic identity was constructed mainly by non-Roma through the processes of stigmatisation, exclusion, segregation and discrimination. The governmental officials, police officers, scholars, and journalists were the groups, who played the major role in the construction of Roma identity. The self-identification of those, labelled 'Roma' and the ways they identified themselves were of less importance, especially if we compare it with the possibility of other European ethnic groups and their political and cultural elites to construct their own ethnic and national identity. The democratic changes in Central and Eastern Europe and the development of the international Roma organizations and political movement made possible an active Roma intellectuals' and activists' participation in the constructing of Roma ethnic identity ('transnational European identity') and of the mobilisation of the Roma population in different countries for political and social emancipation.
    Ilona Tomova would like to represent the Bulgarian Roma journalists' and Roma NGO activists' constructions of a specific positive Roma identity and its opposition to that of their 'oppressors'.

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    Merkmale dieser Pressemitteilung:
    Geschichte / Archäologie, Gesellschaft, Medien- und Kommunikationswissenschaften, Politik, Recht
    Buntes aus der Wissenschaft



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